"touching you."

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I wake up to the sound of people talking downstairs, it's probably my mom and João's mom. 

I look to the side of me to see the bed empty. Where did he go this early?

I get up out of bed and head into the bathroom, I do my normal hygiene stuff and decide to put my hair in two loosely french braids.

I apply a little bit of mascara and highlighter. I head to the dresser and put on a matching sweatshirt and sweatpants set since I think today is a chill day.

"Hey beautiful." I turn around to see João standing in the doorway. "Where we're you?".

He walks towards me a plants a kiss on my lips, he wraps his arms around my waist. "Pedri and I did some Christmas shopping early that's all.".

"For who?" I ask. "None of your business." he smiles.

I kiss him again, "Can we go back downstairs I wanna eat breakfast." I say.

"How about you and I go to a little breakfast spot i found on the corner?" he suggests.

"Sounds great." I smile before he kisses me again. "Let me just change really quick." João says as he heads towards the dresser.

I nod and head downstairs to say good morning, "Morning!" I say.

"Hey sweetie!" my mom says as she counties to stir the pancake mix, "want some?" she asks.

"I'm good. João and I are going out to eat!", "Where to?" his mom asks.

"Some place he found on the corner. I hope it's good because I'm starving and can't wait much longer!" I laugh.

"We're all going to this little fair in the town do you and João want to join?" my mom asks.

"I think we're gonna do our own things today if that's ok with you guys?".

"Sounds good!" my mom says, João's mom gives me a nod meaning she agrees as well.

"You ready?" João says as he makes his way down the stairs. "Yup!" I smile.

We head out into the car, I beg João if I can drive but as usual he doesn't let me. He says because I drive like a maniac but I have no idea what he's talking about.

After a few minutes we arrive to the little breakfast shop named Majestic Café. "This place looks amazing!" I say.

João smiles and grabs my hand as we walk inside.

There's a sign that says we can sit ourselves, I point to the little booth in the corner by the window.

I walk over to it and sit down, João sits on the same side as me. Not surprised.

"Hello! I'll be with you guys in just a second!" the guy says as he walks past.

"So what are we gonna do today?" João says looking at me. "Well everyone is going to this fair so we can do whatever you want." I smile.

I wait a couple seconds for João to think of something but then a idea pops into my head, "Can we go somewhere and take cute pictures please!".

João's eyes widen, "Calm down! We can ok?".

"Sorry just got really excited." João laughs as he kisses the side of my head, and places his hand on my thigh.

"Hello what can I get you guys to drink?" The waiter asks, "I'll have a water please!" I tell him.

He nods, "Can I have a orange juice?" João asks. "Of course I'll be right back!".

"I'm exhausted." he sets his head on my shoulder, "What time did you and Pedri even go?".

"Uhh maybe like...5am?", "Dang I could never do that." I laugh.

The waiter comes back with our drinks, we both order our food. I get 3 pancakes with a strawberry glazed on top, Joao gets bacon eggs and 2 waffles with syrup.

"Wait!" I say before the waiter leaves. "I'm sorry can I also get a side of bacon too?".

"Sure!" The guy smiles as he heads back to the kitchen. "He was looking at you a little too much." João says.

"Come on. He was just being sweet." I look at him. "Well your my girlfriend and I don't like other guys looking at you like that." he says.

Damn. That was hot.

He moves his hand closer up my thigh, "What are you doing?". "touching you.".

"Not here!" I whisper yell, "Don't worry no one will notice.".

After 15 minutes, which felt like forever since João was moving his hand up every second. Making it harder to stay normal. The waiter finally came with our food.

"Woah this looks amazing!" I say stuffing my mouth with a part of the pancake "mmmh." I close my eyes.

"Damn you must really like that pancake?" João says laughing. "It's so good..wanna try some?" I lift up my fork.

"No it's ok I got my food which is also really good, mmh." he says mocking me. "Shut up.".

He starts laughing again. "Your cute when your mad.".

I swear his compliments just do something to me. We both continue to eat our food.

"y/n are you almost done?" I look over to see not even a crumb left on João's plate.

"Holy shit you ate fast!", "I was so hungry.".

"Give me like 5 more minutes!" I say as I begin to shove the pancake down my mouth.

João laughs and kisses my cheek, "Don't eat so fast you might choke y/n.".

I look over at him with a mouth full of pancakes. After a couple seconds on silence we both burst out into laughter.


hey baes. I have a taste for pancakes right now..but I'm not tryna to get up a make those. I hate school sm I can't wait for the weekend 😞. Get ready for some cute couple pics next chapter :)) 

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