"It's weird!"

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"y/n wake up!", I feel someone shaking me I look up to see it's my mom. "What time is it?".

"It's only 6 but i woke you up so you have time to get ready!", "mãe come on I was sleeping so good.".

"Just get up please.", I sit up in my bed rubbing my eyes since they are really blurry. "Fine.".

"Can you get out so I can change please?", she nods and closes my door. 

I check my phone to see it's gonna be a little colder today, so i'll just wear sweatshirts and sweatpants to school. 

I put my hair in a high pony and apply a little mascara and highlighter. I put in my pearl earrings and decide not to wear rings. 

I grab my bag and head downstairs, "Morning Pedri, can we get Starbucks?". 

"I'll get you it after school since i'm taking you home.". I don't feel like arguing with him so I just agree. 

"Wheres mãe?" I ask, "She left for work already she had a morning meeting she said.

Oh that's weird she usually tells me when she has meetings? But now I can talk to Pedri about the whole situation. 

"Pedri I still don't know what to do about the whole thing.", "y/n just do what you think is best for you?". 

"But João seemed really happy when I agreed to it I don't want to let him down.". 

"Then just do it y/n.". 

*30 minutes later* 

We finally made it to the school, for some reason i'm nervous to see João? It's not normal. 

"Do you want to be dropped at the front?", "Sure thanks.". 

Pedri drops me off at the front and I head into the school, I walk to my locker since I didn't see João or Sab yet.

I was about to close my locker until I feel someone wrap their arms around me, "What the fuck!". 

I turn around to see João, "What are you doing?". "y/n don't you remember were fake dating!".

"Oh we're starting that today?", "Yeah duh?".

Oh I did not except that, looks like there is no backing out now. 

"So what are we even supposed to do?" I ask him. 

"We should hold hands on the way to class! Since we see her while going to chemistry.".

"João this is weird.", "I know but this is gonna work I swear!".

He reaches his hand out and I hold it, this feels so weird but I kinda like it? Weird. 

I close my locker and we start heading to class. As we pass Maria she looks at me and João but quickly looks away. 

"Did you see that y/n!" he whispers to me, "Yes.". 

I still hate how he drools about her, he acts like a baby wanting his mom. 

We make it too chemistry and we let go of each others hands, I give our teacher the homework and go sit down by João. 

Thankfully we don't have to act like we're dating in this class since she isn't here. But I gotta admit holding his hand felt, nice? 

"Ok class take out your notebooks! We're taking more notes today.", I snap back into reality getting distracted by my thoughts once again. 

I get out my notebook and a pen, I feel someone tap my shoe. "João what are you doing?", "Acting like your boyfriend." he whispers. 

"But she isn't even in this class?", "Ok but we have to act like this everywhere now.".

"Ok what do you want me to do then?", "When I tap you or something just smile." he whispers making sure no one hears. 

We just started fake dating and i'm already done with it...except for the holding hands part. But no one needs to know I enjoyed that especially João.

As time goes by feeling slower than a fucking turtle, the bell finally rings. I put my stuff in my bag and start to follow João out of class. 

"Bye y/n" he kisses me cheek. I quickly walk away because I can't help but blush, what the fuck! This is weird first I like holding hands with him then I blush when he kissed my cheek?

I need to ignore this, we are just fake dating that is it. I head to art, as I walk in Sab is giving me a weird look. 

Fuck she probably knows. 

As I sit down awkwardly she hits my shoulder, "I cannot believe you didn't tell me you and João liked each other!". 

"Sorry Sab. It just kind of happened unexpectedly?", "Well tell me what happened!". 

Shit I gotta make something up, um maybe I can we've been secretly talking for a while and we just made it official?

"y/n are you gonna tell me or what?", "Oh shit sorry! Well basically we have been secretly talking for a while and then yesterday we just made it official.". 

"How long?", "Uh maybe like...2 months?". 

"And you didn't tell me! You're a bitch.", "I'm sorry but we both agreed to keep it a secret until we made it official!". 

"You suck. But I guess you guys are cute or whatever.". 

*Fast forward to end of school*

I finish putting things in my locker and head to the parking lot to find Pedri, "y/n wait up!". 

I turn around to see João basically running towards me, "Yeah?". "Not gonna say bye to your boyfriend?". 

Omg...this is to cringy for me. 

"Sorry!", he kisses my cheek again. Fuck please don't blush in front of him! "I'll see you tomorrow." I watch as he walks to his car. 

I head to Pedri's car, I get in and set my bag down. Let's hope he doesn't bring up the whole fake dating thing please. 

"So y/n hows your boyfriend!", "You heard didn't you.". 

"I saw you two holding hands in the hall.", "Oh well he wanted to since we passed Maria on the way to chemistry thats why.". 

"Did you like it?", I begin to play with my fingers. I usually do that when i'm nervous, "Omg you like João don't you!". 





So guys I lied I am posting another part today..and probably tomorrow but will see! I need your guys help should I add another soccer player that try's to get with y/n to spice things up a bit? Just say yes or no and what soccer player thanks!

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