"Yes it does."

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It was our last day in Lisbon we were leaving in a couple hours because we have school tomorrow.

I haven't texted João at all, but I talked to Gavi this morning.

Sab and I were waking down an alley to find a good place to take photos for instagram.

"Sab I like this spot!", "Ok just pose and then will pick the best one.".

I start doing random poses, probably look stupid right now but it's ok.

"Omg y/n please choose this one you look so good.".

She shows, damn she is right I do look good-

I grab my phone and decide to post it on insta. Let's my two bitches see it!! (Girls a player fr 😏)


Ur opinion doesn't matter to me ;) Likes-543, Comments-30 -@pedri: slay

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Ur opinion doesn't matter to me ;)
Likes-543, Comments-30
@pedri: slay

@joãofélix79: pretty bestie 😱

@pablogavi: woah

@sabquesada: I took this guys 😝
*2 hours later*

We were driving home, I haven't checked my phone since I've been listening to music the whole time.

"y/n! Look at João's comment on your Instagram!".

"Uhh ok..?" I go onto Instagram to see João's comment, I mean that seems normal for a guy to say about his best friend..right?

I scroll more and see Gavi's comment. Guess they both saw it?

"I don't really see the hype about João's comment Sab?", "He called you pretty girl! Open your eyes idiot.".

"But it seemed like a friendly type way?", "it was def not a friendly type of way y/n.".

"whatever." I turn my music back on, wondering if that comment truly did mean something?

*1 hour later*

"I'll see you on Monday Sab love you!", "love you too y/n!" I walk inside my house and give my mom a hug.

"How was the trip?", "it was great! We should go there sometime you me and Pedri.".

"Sounds good!", I walk up to my room but stop to say hi to Pedri. "Hey looser.".

"Oh shit didn't know you would be back this early?" he comes up and gives me a quick hug.

"João's coming over by the way.", "your talking to him again?".

"Yup!" he gives me a weird look, I flick him off and go into my room to unpack.

As I finish unpacking I hear my phone ring, guessing its probably João so I head downstairs to open the door.

"Hey!", "Hi y/n!" João greets me with a hug, I hear him sigh with relief. What's that about?

(Maria 🙄)

"Let's go in my room!", I walk upstairs as João follows me to my room. He shuts the door as we walk in.

He lays on my bed as I finish doing stuff, "So how was your trip?".

"Pretty good! I forgot how beautiful Lisbon is.", "I know I haven't been there in years, I'll probably go during winter break.".

"I'll go with you!" I smile at him. "Sounds like a plan." he smiles back.

I sit down next to him on the bed, "Do you wanna watch a movie?".

"Yes..can we watch the first avatar?", "Sure!" I put it on and lay down.

As we start watching the movie, I start to get cold so I wrap one of my blankets over me.

"Are you cold?" he asks me, "Very!". "Come lay by me I'll make you warm.".

Say less-

I lay closer to João and he wraps his arms around my stomach, he was right I do feel warmer now.

I start to doze off because of how comfortable I got laying with João.

*1 hour later*

I start to open my eyes, I look down to see João's arms still wrapped around me.

"João let go I have to go to the bathroom!", "Whyyy I'm too comfortable." he groans.

"I'll be right back!", "fine." he let's go and i basically sprint to the bathroom.

I go to the bathroom and run to jump on João, we both start bursting out in laughing.

"That hurt y/n!", "Sorry I just had to!".

I stop laughing and look at João, he does the same. He pushes some of the hair out of my face.

"Your really pretty y/n..I hope you know that.".

shit I think my face is getting red, "omg stop.".

"Stop what? I'm just telling you the truth.", "why are you complimenting me so much?". Does

"y/n isn't it obvious? I like you.".

holy shit. "Actually?", "Yes.".

"Do you feel the same way?" he asks me. I grab his face and kiss him.

I pull away and smirk at him, "Does that answer your question?".

He smirks back, "yes it does.".

He kisses me again, god I've been waiting for this moment forever.

My hands travel through his hair as his make there way to my waist, he sits up with me on top on him.

We continue to kiss, I'm loving every moment of this.


It's 👏🏻 about 👏🏻 damn 👏🏻 time! Now we just need to get rid of Maria 🙄 and Gavi, ily tho Gavi. So guys I'm horrible at writing smut but I promise it's coming in like 2-3 chapters 😀

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