"João whats wrong?"

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João's pov:


Maria just admitted she had feelings for me? Maria actually likes me.

I look at y/n sleeping, but what about my feelings for y/n? I'm so confused right now.

"fuck." I didn't realize but I said it loudly enough to wake up y/n.

"João what's wrong?", she asks me.

I hesitate to show her but I eventually give her my phone, I watch as she reads the message and her eyes widen.

"It worked!" she smiles at me. "I guess it did?".

"I thought you would be more excited João, isn't this what you want?".

"I mean...yeah?", "Then why do you seem hesitant.".

"I don't know maybe I'm just too shocked right now!" I admit.

She gives me a weird look, "Well are you gonna text her back or what?".

"What do I even say..I mean she thinks we're literally dating.".

"Oh yeah. Hmm maybe be like I like you too but I need to breakup with y/n first?".

I nod and type the message, I wait a second to send it. Wondering if this is what I really want to do.

"João send it!" she pushes my hand to tap it. There's no going back now.

I let out a sigh, but it's not a relief it's a nervous sigh.

I have no idea what the fuck is about to happen. I like Maria a lot but what about y/n.

*fast forward to Monday*

y/n's pov:

I tell Pedri not to drop me off in the front, I decide to just walk today since João is probably going to "break up" with me today.

"You ok y/n?" Pedri asks, "Yeah Im ok.".

"You sure you seem off.", "I'm fine pedri.".

I get out of the car and walk with Pedri into the school, he tells me his friends are over there and joins them.

I start to head to my locker, I wonder if Sab sleep in late again I don't see her.

I open my locker and start to get the things I need for today and put my backpack away until this happens.

"Hey y/n!" I hear someone shout my name, I turn around to see Maria heading towards me.

"Yes?", she comes closer to my ear. "I swear y/n if you don't break up with João I'm gonna fuck you up and I mean it."

I push her away from me, "Who the fuck do you think you are Maria!".

This bitch better be joking. I'm not in a good mood, she doesn't wanna piss me off more.

"You heard me.", "Your messing with the wrong fucking person Maria.".

"Oh am I?" she says with her bitchy tone. "Your such an ass Maria!".

Before I know it I feel a fist go through my face and I fall into the lockers. This bitch did not just punch me.

I get up and punch her across the face, she falls to ground and looks back up at me with her nose bleeding.

She stands back up and slams me into the locker, I pull her hair and push her to the ground and punch her again.

Told her she shouldn't mess with me.

I'm about to punch her again but someone's arms wrap around me and pull me back.

"y/n you fucked her up enough!" I turn around to see Pedri.

He pulls me away from the crowd to an empty hallway, "what the fuck happened?".

"This bitch came up from nowhere and said if I didn't break up with João she would fuck me up!".

"y/n you aren't even actually dating him why did you get so pissed!".

oh fuck. He's right? We're literally not even dating and I got so defensive.

"um I don't know?" I smile awkwardly at him. He sighs at me.

"y/n be so for real right now.".

"I'm just so confused about everything right now, with João and the Gavi.".

Pedri's eyes widen, "There's another guy!".

"yes...we hung out on Friday and we're gonna hangout this week too.".

"Oh my fucking God y/n.", "What!".

"You need to choose between Gavi or João.".

"I know ok! I just don't know what to do it's been stressing me the fuck out.".

Pedri pulls me in for a hug, "I'll always be here for you y/n.".

We stand there hugging for a couple seconds until he pulls away, "But seriously you need to figure out who is better for you y/n.".

"I know.".

"Let's go your probably gonna get suspended for a couple days because of the fight".

"ahh shit that means I'm gonna be behind in school!".

"Just email your teachers for your work y/n.", "oh true.".

I follow Pedri to the principals office, I walk in to see Maria sitting at the other seat with a napkin in her nose since it's bleeding.

"y/n please sit down." The principal asks. I sit down next to Maria trying to avoid all contact with her.

"I don't need to know who started it or what happened but you two are both suspended till next Monday got it?".

"ok." we both say. I head out of the room first, I grab my bag and start heading out of the school.

I hear people talking behind me and look back to see João comforting Maria. Are you fucking kidding me?

he's gonna chose her over his best friend what the fuck.

João looks at me straight in the eye, I roll my eyes at him and walk out of the school.

How could he do that to...me?


Hey besties!! Sorry to keep y'all waiting 😅 but damn João your a little bitch 😒 who wants to beat up Maria with me ✋

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