"Let's just not go?"

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My eyes start to open, I stretch and look over to see João's still sleeping. He has always looked so cute when he sleeps.

I check my phone to see it's 9 in the morning, "Oh no João we overslept!" I throw a pillow at him as I rush to get up.

"y/n why are you yelling?", "João it's 9 we missed our first period!".

"Let's just not go?", I cannot miss school I'm gonna be so behind in work which is just gonna stress me out more.

"But João I'm gonna be behind in school then!", "y/n calm down. Missing one day isn't gonna fuck everything up ok?".

I guess he's right, and having a break would be nice. Plus I would be spending the whole day with João.

"Fine. But what are we even gonna do?", Let's go downtown!" João has always loved going downtown since we were kids I don't know why?

"Sure let me get ready, you get the room I get the bathroom?", he nods and I head into the bathroom to get ready.

I put on a simple out with some light makeup, "João are you done?". "Yeah you can come out!".

I walk into his room, I watch as he puts away stuff. He looks so good even when cleaning.

Omg I need to stop thinking about him.

"I'll be downstairs!" I start to head downstairs until João's voice stops me. "Wait y/n!".

"What's wrong?", "We should take a selfie and post it on insta so Maria see's we skipped together!".

"You really can't go one day without thinking about her can you?", I wish he could.

"y/n you know I can't!", I laugh at him and agree to take a picture. João wraps his arm around my waist and takes a mirror picture of us.

My stomach is roaming with butterflies right now, he hand makes me feel warm. In a warm comfortable way.

"Ok perfect!" he unwraps his arm from me and posts the picture on his story. "She's so gonna get so jealous y/n!".

Even though I'm his "girlfriend", I wish I was Maria. Since he thinks about her all the time.

"Come on y/n let's go!", I follow João to the car and we head downtown.

We finally arrive and I ask João if we can stop at the bookstore because I wanted to ge this new book I saw online.

I tell him to wait in the car since I won't be long. I walk into the store and look for the book. After 5 minutes I finally find it and head to the cash register.

"Hey." I look up to see a boy with brown hair and really pretty brown eyes. "Hey!" I say to him.

He smiles at me as he scans my book and places it in my bag, I hand him the money and he gives me the change and the bag.

"Hey..can I get your number?" he asks me. "Sure? But I don't even know your name yet.".

"I'm Pablo Gavi, but you can just call me Gavi" he smirks at me, "Hello Gavi i'm y/n!" I say smirking back at him.

"Can I have your number now y/n?", "Sure why not." he hands me a sticky note and I write my number on it.

"I'll text you." he says as I walk back to João's car, "Why did you take so long!", "Sorry I got this really cute guys number.".

"Your cheating on me!" João says sarcastically, I slap his shoulder. He laughs at me and then drives off.

"Where are we going?", "You'll see y/n.".

I wonder where he's going? Because he's literally leaving the town where we were supposed to go.

*10 minutes later*

"Ok we're here!" I look up to see he brought us to a smaller part of the beach. "Why did we come here it's too cold to swim?".

"We're not sitting y/n, this is my secret place where I go to get my mind off of things.".

"Why did you bring me to your secret place?", "Because I felt like you needed to come here, you seemed really stressed about school.".

Damn that was actually kind of sweet, I head out of the car and follow João to a spot on the sand.

"So what do you do here?", "Well I listen to the waves which's make me calm down, just listen to them for a few seconds.".

I listen to the waves as they crash between each other, at first I didn't understand what João mean't but as I kept listening to the waves I felt a feel of relief.

This actually works?

"Wow this actually works João!", "See I told you.".

I continue to watch the waves crash into each other, "I really can't thank you enough y/n. For doing this whole fake dating thing with me.".

I turn to look at him, "Of course your my bestfriend
I will do anything you for." I smile at him as he smiles back.

He sits closer to me and places his head on my shoulder. I lay my head on his as we watch the waves together.

I do like João a lot. But I can't help but wonder if staying friends is what is mean't to happen with João and I.


Hey guys! So I decided to put Gavi as the other guy once again 😙. But anyways...I hope you guys are liking the story. Do you guys want to see João's pov in this story as well or only y/n's?

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