"It will never happen!"

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Sab and I finally reach her house, I run inside because it's so cold out. I say hi to her family then head upstairs to her room.

"So let's talk about everything you told me earlier y/n!", "Do we have to do this right now?" I groan.

"Yes we do! Now tell me about João when did you start liking him?".

"Well I don't know. I think I've always had something for him since we were kids but I never really noticed it till now?".

"How does he make you feel?", "When we held hands I felt really comfortable with him, and when we hangout.".

"Have you told anyone else about this besides me?", "Yeah Pedri knows.".

"You told Pedri?", "Well not necessarily he basically just figured it out.".

"Ahh makes sense.", I lay down on her bed and whine into her pillow.

"Girl why are you whining!", I lay my head on the pillow facing her, "Because I like João but I also really like Gavi too!".

"You seriously need to figure this out girl. Do you think João and you will ever actually happen?".

"I want it too, but it will never happen!" I saw with a pout on my face, "How do you know that y/n?".

"Because don't you see how much he likes Maria?", "y/n people's feelings change all the time..you never know what could happen!".

I guess she's right but João does really like her. Why waste my time trying to get with someone that might not like me when I found a guy like Gavi?

"I think I should focus on Gavi.", "Well if you want to  focus on him you need to stop the fake dating?".

Shit I totally forgot about that. But João isn't done with the whole thing so I can't just let him down like that?

"But then that means I'll let down João?", "y/n you need to choose between your love life or his.".


*The next day (Saturday)*

João's pov:

I'm so bored. I literally did nothing last night, and I didn't see y/n after school I couldn't find her?

I haven't talked to her since lunch yesterday so I'm gonna text her and ask if she wants to hangout.

I knew she would come faster if I made her favorite

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I knew she would come faster if I made her favorite.

I finish up with the pasta and put the spaghetti noodles in two bowls, i put a good amount of sauce on each bowl and a little Parmesan cheese because that's how she likes it.

I set them on the coffee table near the couch so we can watch a movie while eating.

"Where's the pasta!" she screams. "Do you know how to fucking knock y/n?".

"No not really?" she jumps on the couch and grabs the bowl. "Ay you put the cheese on it your the best!".

"Duh I literally am the best." I smirk at her. "Can we put on Spiderman I wanna see my bae Tom.".

"Ugh fine." I go onto Disney plus and turn on Spiderman homecoming, y/n's favorite movie.

"So how was sabs house?", "it was good but that wasn't the only thing I did last night!".

"What else did you do?", "Well...I hung out with the guy from the bookstore!".

wait what?

"The guys number you got?", "Yes! He's literally amazing." She exclaimed.

"What did you guys do?", "we made cookies, cuddled and before I left he kissed me cheek!" She says with a big smile across her face.

He kissed her cheek?

"Are you gonna hangout with him again?", "Yeah sometime next week!".

"That's great I'm happy for you!" am I really happy? I almost feel pissed about it.

"Yeah but speaking of him, if me and him start to get serious I don't think I can fake date you anymore?".

"Oh..ok?", "Are you mad João?" I shake my head symbolizing no.

"You promise?", "I promise you y/n."

I watch as she looks back the tv, I haven't really seen how pretty y/n is till now.

The way her hair falls on her face, and how her eyes sparkle from the light. And just the way she is.

Wait. Why am I thinking about y/n like this?

I don't like y/n she's just my best friend..?

"João can we lay in your room i'm tired?", "I thought you aren't sleeping over?".

"Well depends on how long I sleep for!" she stands up and places her dish in the sink and motions me to come upstairs with her.

I place my dish in the sink, still wondering why I thought of y/n like that.

I quickly head upstairs to see y/n all snuggled up in my bed. She looks so cute.

I plop down next to her and grab some of the blanket from her, "y/n you seriously gotta stop taking all the blanket.".

"It's not my fault it's so comfy!" she laughs. I cover myself with the blanket and go on my phone.

I scroll through my notifications and see that Maria texted me. Wonder what that's about?

I make sure y/n isn't looking, I look to see she's basically asleep.

I open the message and freeze.

holy shit.


O wonder what the message is??? And is João finally realizing how amazing y/n is 😱😱 about damn time 😒.

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