"It was amazing."

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As soon as I got home from school I started to get ready to hang out with Gavi, I don't wanna overdress so wearing something comfy and cute should work.

I didn't see João after school. I'm guessing he was with his other friends...or Maria.

But anyways I need to get ready, I search through my closet and find a cute pair of sweatpants and a long sleeved black crop top.

I put it on and slide on my ugg slippers, I keep my hair in the braids and fix up my makeup later. That's when I hear my phone vibrate, I pick up to see it's Gavi.

*10 minutes later*

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*10 minutes later*

I walk outside to his car, "hey! you look pretty." he says as I get in the car.

"and you look great as well." he smiles at me as I smile back. He starts driving to his house as I look out the window watch the trees as we go by.

"So do you like baking?" I turn to look at him "who doesn't love baking!".

"That's good because I bought us ingredients to make chocolate chip cookies!".

"Ooo I'm excited!". This guy really is perfect, he works at the bookstore and he loves to bake? It's like he was meant for me!

We finally arrive to his house, holy shit it's huge! "Are you rich or something?".

"Haha I wouldn't say that. My parents just work very hard to live a life like this!".

We get out of the car and I follow him into his house, I get greeted by his dog. "Aww your dog is so cute! What's there name?".

"That's rose, she usually doesn't like new people but I guess your different!".

I continue to pet her as she licks my hand, this dog is too cute.

"Come on y/n let's make the cookies!" Gavi heads to the dog kitchen, I kiss rose and follow him.

Gavi puts the ingredients on the counter, I watch him the whole time. I never realized how pretty his eyes are.

"Are we gonna start or you going to keep staring at me?", my face becomes red with embarrassment I cover it with my hands.

"y/n it's ok! It was kind of cute that you were staring.".

I smile at him, "Ok! So do you want to mix the dry ingredients and I'll mix the wet ones?".

I give him a thumbs up as I start to mix the ingredients, he does the same.

We both finish and Gavi mixes both the ingredients together and I help him form them into balls and put them in the oven.

"So those will take around 15 minutes! We can just sit on the couch until there done?".

"Sure!" I sit on the couch and Gavi sits right next to me, "Do you wanna watch a movie y/n?".

"Yes we should watch Avengers Endgame!", "Wait you like marvel?".

"Of course I do. Who wouldn't?!".

He turns on the movie and we watch, I eventually lay my head on his shoulder.

*15 minutes later*

The oven dings and Gavi gets up to get the cookies, "y/n these look amazing come over here!".

I get up and look at the cookies, "damn those do look good!".

I grab one and take a bite of it, "mmm". Gavi laughs at me, oh shit I must've made a noise a little to loud.

*1 hour later*

Gavi and I we're watching a movie, I was laying on his chest and he was playing with my hair.

I check the time to see Sab is going to pick me up in 5 minutes, "Gavi I should get up my friend is gonna be here in 5 minutes!".

"Do you have to go? I really like you being here.", "I'm sorry but I promised her a sleepover!".

"Fine but we should hangout next week.", "we definitely should." I get up from the couch and head to the door to put my shoes and my jacket on.

Gavi comes to the door to wait with me for Sab, "I think she's here! I'll see you next week Gavi.".

I start to head out the door but Gavi stops me, he pulls me in a kisses my cheek softly.

"Bye y/n." I walk away with a big smile on my face. He's such a great guy, I'm excited to see him again.

I get inside of Sab's car, "Soo how was your little hangout?", "it was amazing." I say with the smile still on my face.

"Tell me what happened!" she says as she begins to drive off, "Well we baked cookies, basically cuddled on the couch and before I left he kissed my cheek.".

"Omg! He sounds perfect.", "He is Sab, he really is.".


hey guys!! looks like y/n really likes Gavi?? Wonder what's gonna happen with that 🫢. I hope you guys are having a good break (if your on winter break). I'll see you guys at the next chapter 😘

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