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Rhaenyra was furious as she marched through the Holdfast. She could have killed her half-brother. A disgusting little boy who felt entitled to her daughter.

She left Jacaera with Laenor, once she'd managed to find him and tell him what Aegon had done. Rhaenyra didn't want her daughter to be alone but she had to tell Viserys. His son would pay for what he'd done.

If she could get to him.

His Hand, Lord Lyonel Strong, was outside the King's Chambers. Rhaenyra had a very thin line of restraint. Only because Lyonel already expected her children to be his grandchildren.

"Lord Hand. I must speak with my father."

Rhaenyra tried to push past him. But Lyonel bowed and quickly held out his hand. "I'm afraid the King is.. occupied, Princess. Is there something I may be able to help you with?"

"This matter is of utmost importance. Whatever my father is occupied with can wait." Rhaenyra's patience was wearing extremely thin. She didn't care what her father was doing. He needed to know what his son had done. The woman tried to push past Lyonel again.

"The King is very much ill this day. He sleeps under influence of the milk of the poppy. Even if I let you into his chambers, you will not be able to rouse him."

Lyonel finally admitted it. Why Rhaenyra couldn't go and see him. She closed her eyes and sighed. The matter couldn't wait. It had to be addressed.

"I ask again, Princess, is there something I may help you with?"

She clenched her fists and closed her eyes. If her father wasn't well enough to deal with it, then surely the Hand would. Jacaera was his blood even if he wouldn't dare to admit it.

"Do you know how it feels, Lord Hand, to see your daughter acting strangely? To see her hardly eating or sleeping and she will not tell you why. But finally, one day, she asks to cease her favourite activity. I ask and I ask. And finally, she tells me that she doesn't like when her uncle touches her."

It seemed to finally dawn on Lyonel how serious the matter Rhaenyra described was. He shifted on his feet as he listened to the testimony of a guilt-ridden and furious mother.

"She couldn't even use words to tell me where he'd touched her. For weeks. Only whores let people touch them there, he told her. He defiled her, terrifies her. This atrocity will not go unpunished."

Lyonel Strong knew it couldn't go unpunished. And if the prince had been anyone else, he would have had his hands removed. But he was the first son of Viserys. And telling the man in his state would send him further into his illness.

Aegon needed to be dealt with, though. Because Rhaenyra didn't make idle threats. If he wasn't punished, she would have the entire Red Keep and city know what he'd done.

But Jacaera didn't want that. She didn't want her business aired to the world. To be known as the girl who was touched by her uncle. She didn't want to be associated with it for the rest of her life.

All she wanted was for Aegon to be punished and for him to leave her alone. Rhaenyra wanted him dead.

"The behaviour is vile, princess. Prince Aegon will be dealt with accordingly." He tried his best to genuinely reassure Rhaenyra. That he would ensure Aegon was punished, that he wouldn't hurt Jacaera any longer.

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