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It was strange that Jacaera was only considering how her mother was going to react to the news of the betrothal after she'd agreed to it.

The marriage was politically beneficial for both sides, that couldn't be argued. But Jacaera was her only daughter. Having her go off to Winterfell, even after the war, would be something to adjust to.

She thought a lot about that as she unpacked and found the written agreement. And she found the robe, which brought back fond memories. Jacaera put the robe and the furs she was gifted into her wardrobe, turning the ring on her finger. She left the agreement on her desk as she changed into something more comfortable than her riding leathers.

When she'd changed, Jacaera sat on her sofa and blew air out of her cheeks, the rolled agreement in her hands as she played with it.

"Surprise, mother, I betrothed myself to the Lord of Winterfell." Should she tell Rhaenyra before the council or let her find out with everyone else?

A knock came at her door and Jacaera thought it might be her opportunity. "Enter," she called, turning to see who it was.

Not Rhaenyra. But Baela.

The girl sighed in relief. "I heard you'd returned. You must tell me about the Eyrie and Winterfell. I've always wanted to go."

Jacaera laughed and hugged Baela. "Besides, I swear you are your brother's brain. He's been sulking since Luke almost died. The boy is a hero yet refuses to see it. You might actually be able to knock some sense into him."

With a knowing look, Baela sat with Jacaera on her couch. But she was very perceptive. She noticed the new ring adorning her finger.

Without much warning, Baela pulled Jacaera's hand towards her and looked at the ring. A direwolf. The symbol of a certain Northern house.

Baela's mouth fell open as she gazed at Jacaera's face. "No way. Did you really?!"

It was a wonder to Jacaera how Baela knew so fast. Regardless, she did. And lying wouldn't do any good. With pink dusting her cheeks, Jacaera handed the rolled marriage pact to Baela so she could read it.

Greedily, Baela unrolled the paper. Her eyes were almost rolling with how fast she was reading. And when she was done, she looked unbelievably at Jacaera.

"You seduced the Wolf of the North?"

Jacaera scoffed and pulled the agreement from her. "I did not "seduce" him. The marriage is politically beneficial for both sides. It ensured his support."

She didn't buy it for one second.

"You cannot tell me you didn't try him before you agreed to that. Who else makes it a clause to marry as soon as possible?"

The intensity of her gaze made Jacaera crack. She bit her cheek to try and hide the grin but it didn't work. Jacaera closed her eyes and smiled.

"I knew it!" Baela said triumphantly.

"I didn't try him before I agreed to it, I'll have you know. I tried him after."

Baela laughed and grabbed Jacaera. "Dirty," she joked, sighing and sitting back on the couch. She looked at Jacaera and raised a brow. "Was it good?"

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