Being officially named heir was incredibly nerve-wracking. Jacaera would stand in front of a hundred people, maybe more, and wait while they vowed themselves to Rhaenyra and her as the heir.
It was an occasion that called for many stops, even with the restricted budget. Tyland Lannister would talk. Eventually, he would let it slip.
Jacaera had Rhaenyra's closest maid, Elinda, helping her dress for the ceremony.
She wore a brilliant red dress with magnificent golden detailing of dragons. The sleeves of the dress were long, the ends of them draping past her knees. A ring of fabric sat around her middle fingers to hold the sleeves in place.
There was a red, thick neckpiece that matched the red and gold of the dress and dragon scales that decorated the shoulders.
Her hair was braided and twisted into an intricate circle on the back of Jacaera's head. It made room for the headpiece, which was wide and thick, almost like a crown.
The last thing Elinda helped Jacaera put on was the House Targaryen cloak.
It was in the agreement Viserys and Corlys made when Rhaenyra and Laenor were betrothed. And in the same agreement Jacaera made with Cregan.
Their first child would remain a Velaryon until such a time they ascended the Iron Throne. They then would rule in the name of House Targaryen.
Jacaera was a Targaryen heir. Not Stark or Velaryon. She pulled the cloak around her shoulders, forcing it down so it would stay.
When she looked in the mirror, Jacaera couldn't help but feel nervous. It had taken her brother's death for her to be named heir. This moment had never been planned, had never been divined for her. Yet there she stood, waiting to be named in her brother's place.
But looking at the girl in the mirror was strange. She looked so much stronger and more confident. Jacaera didn't feel any of that, she didn't feel the ethereal beauty the clothing was supposed to give her.
Those men didn't want her to be Queen. Rhaenyra had men vow to her as the heir and they still started a war to stop it. What difference would them vowing themselves to Jacaera mean? When vows were so easily broken?
"You look beautiful, Princess. And you will make a magnificent Queen. I only hope I see the day."
Jacaera smiled at Elinda, hiding any hint that she was nervous at all. If she showed her fear or nerves, it would make her look weak. Jacaera couldn't look weak before a room of men who wanted to see her fail.
She was going to be heir. And one day, Jacaera was going to rule the Seven Kingdoms.
Entering a hall of more than a hundred people was extremely terrifying. Especially when they were all craning their heads to look at Jacaera.
She'd practiced hiding emotions all her life. It wasn't any different. She'd married a man in front of strangers. She could do this.
So when the doors opened for her to walk forward and present herself, Jacaera held her head high. She entered the hall and stood before the crowd, revealing herself to them as she was announced.

Blood Upon The Snow ||| Cregan Stark
FanfictionCregan Stark/OC - NOT self insert SMUT teehee-characters are aged up and any smut that happens is with them of age Jacaera Velaryon, twin to Jacaerys Velaryon. Second in line to the Throne, born the spitting image of her great-grandmother Alyssa. ...