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Despite being traumatized, Rhaenyra and her family had secured Luke's place as heir to Driftmark. And both Jace and Luke had been betrothed.

"How pathetic am I, hmm? My little brother betrothed before me," Jacaera joked, ruffling Luke's hair.

He couldn't stop the pink that dusted his cheeks.

The mood of the day was slightly soured when they were told that the King requested to host a dinner. With all of his family. Not just his children, but grandchildren as well.

"I would rather feed myself to my dragon," said Jacaera. That was the last thing she wanted. To be forced around a table with Aemond and Aegon.

"Your grandsire isn't doing well. This may be one of the last times we gather around him. Tis only one night."

Rhaenyra was right. It was just one night, one meal.

What could go wrong?

Arriving at their meal was awfully awkward. Their seats had already been picked for them and the Greens were already inside.

Jacaera couldn't get to Helaena, since Aemond and Aegon were speaking lowly behind her, so she decided to instead speak with her brothers and cousins.

Jace and Luke would sit next to Baela and Rhaena respectively, their betrothed. Jacaera would sit beside Jace, across from the King. It would be too late by the time she realized who was on her other side.

She leaned against the table as she chatted with Baela and Rhaena. Asking Baela how her time in Driftmark had been.

When the door opened, though, and the King was carried into the room on his chair by his knights, everyone returned to their places and stood, out of respect for him.

Jacaera walked around the table and stepped in front of her chair. And then the person on her left side stepped in front of their chair.

Of course, it was fucking Aegon. That dumb little smile on his face. Jacaera sighed and closed her eyes out of annoyance. If he could behave for a single dinner, that would be a miracle.

Rhaenyra eyed the seating arrangement and Jace did the same thing. Jacaera wouldn't look at him. She would push his bike behaviour aside if he could keep his hands to himself for one fucking hour.

Everyone only took their seats when the King was placed in his, as was customary. Jacaera sat and tried to pull herself closer to the table. Just to be an ass, Aegon pushed her closer, so she was too close.

To be a gentleman, he muttered. When his wife was on the other side of him.

Still, she did not look at him. Jacaera simply pushed back a bit and rested her hands on the table, sighing deeply.

Once the King was situated, he looked around the table. "How good it is... to see you all tonight... together."

Jacaera could sense that her brothers and Aemond were looking at one another. Silent threats. She tried to ignore it and simply smiled at her grandfather. The meal was for him and she was seated right across from him. She didn't want to ruin the dinner.

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