By the time Jacaera was four months into her term, she could no longer hide her pregnancy. It was beginning to show in the dresses she wore and her hands couldn't hide it any longer.
Even her breasts swelled, which meant larger and more modest dresses so as to not be called a whore by her court.
Finally, Jacaera did tell her council. She told them the reasons she kept it to herself and when the Maester theorized she would deliver.
There was great happiness there. An heir, they repeated. An heir to cement Jacaera's rule.
She reminded them, after it became clear they were only seeing the child in her, that she would be addressed how her station demanded. Not as her class in society did.
Address her as they would a King. Not as a pregnant consort.
It did get better after that. Especially when her husband flat-out refused to respond to questions that should have been directed at their Queen.
And Jacaera kept up the same pace of work while she was pregnant. She would prove to all that women could lead. Even while visibly pregnant, the bump showing through even her loose dresses at month five.
One symptom was everlasting, however. Even when the nausea and bloating and mood swings went away, there was one thing that remained.
Jacaera was insatiable. She didn't know what it was about being pregnant. Many couples stopped having sex because they'd done their duty.
But Jacaera could have been bedded every single night. It was the strangest thing.
Not that Cregan minded. She might have been even more beautiful while she was pregnant and carrying his child. He was extremely happy to oblige when she came to him and asked to be satisfied.
Her body was magnificent. The soft, plush skin. Her fuller figure and rounded hips. He loved everything about it and was happy to please a woman carrying his baby.
By her sixth month, they began to discuss names. Cregan knew how important it was to Jacaera that their baby honour her family. So it was decided; if it was a girl, they would name her Rhaenyra and if it was a boy, they would name him Jacaerys.
Jacaera very much wanted to honour her brother. His death had given her the seat she sat. He made her the Queen of the Seven Kingdoms and for that, Jacaera would never be able to repay him.
Still, she wanted him with her. Wanted him by her side. Would have given the world to have him back. For the gods to revive him.
Maybe she wouldn't have to give anything. The gods may have finally smiled upon Jacaera. After everything she'd been through.
Climbing up and down the Iron Throne was becoming a task by her sixth month. Jacaera was growing a human; all stairs were difficult to walk. She felt a little embarrassed that she was short of breath just ascending those short stairs.
She liked to dismiss her court before she descended. Just so she didn't feel judged.
Of course, Cregan was always there offering his hand for the last few steps. A supportive hand that cradled their child and one that took her arm.

Blood Upon The Snow ||| Cregan Stark
FanficCregan Stark/OC - NOT self insert SMUT teehee-characters are aged up and any smut that happens is with them of age Jacaera Velaryon, twin to Jacaerys Velaryon. Second in line to the Throne, born the spitting image of her great-grandmother Alyssa. ...