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4 days later -

You were at wedding venue in one of the room provided you to get ready. Today was your marriage with Mr. Choi. You don't know about him. Beside his family name is Choi. His face also fading from your memory as days passed to the whole incident.

How you're going to live with that person. You don't know him, what if he is bad person? but again it's not like you have choice. You have to do this no matter what.

Your thoughts were disturbed with the loud thud of door. Your aunt coming in with annoying expressions. "Be ready, the wedding will start soon" She said.

What's with her always screaming and shouting, you thought but you were used to it so you didn't even reacted on it. You looked at the door as she left without closing it. You sighed getting up from the chair trying not to make your wedding dress dirty. You were busy picking up your gown from falling on floor while approaching the door, you didn't noticed the presence of a person at door. You tried closing the door with your right leg not looking at door still busy struggling with the heavy dress.

The door stopped halfway as you pushed it. You looked at door but soon realised that was the bad decision. Mr.Choi, the man you're going to marry was standing in front of you. Your breath hitched and you took a step back.

How come he was here? You two were supposed to meet in the wedding hall. He closed the door stepping towards you. Towering over you he looked at your face. You were looking down all the time.

"Look at me y/n" He spoke sternly. You sensed the authority in his words. You couldn't help but obey to what he was saying. You slowly looked at him. He was really handsome. But something about him scared you to death.

"cherry" he spoke softly and with that he held your cheek in his big palm keeping your face steady. The nickname he gave to you made you blush for a minute only if you knew how dangerous that nickname going to sound later. He started speaking again "Do you want to ask me anything?" You were looking at him with your innocent eyes thinking what's with that question? What he actually mean by that? You never knew that he was giving you the first and last opportunity to ask something.

You didn't thought much as words left your mouth "What is your name?" he just chuckled looking at you. The smile disappearing within a second then he was back to his usual cold expression "Seungcheol, Choi Seungcheol" he spoke. "Why you want to..." you halted as you saw him walking out of the room. You were left dumbfounded. Before even you ask anything else he just left you there making you look like a fool.

Time Skips –




You were walking down the aisle with your uncle by your side. You wanted to run away from the marriage thing, but the threat your aunt gave you stopped you from doing so. You took a look of surrounding. Only few people from the respective family were present for the event. They tried to keep it small, you thought. You came in front of Mr.Choi, he stood there with his usual cold face. Your uncle gave your hand into his. Beside him was small boy standing, looking at you with his big bambi eyes.

You couldn't get perfect view of the boys face because of the veil. He somehow resembled to Mr.Choi. You shrugged thinking maybe he is his nephew or something. But the next thing the small boy said made your heart to miss the beat "Appa, she is my eomma?" Your eyes grew large and mouth open with utter shock, you felt hazy due to sudden situation. This man is a father of a child, how old was he? why he wanted to marry you? where is his wife? your mind filled with lot of question.

Your thoughts interrupted with Mr.Choi's voice "I do". You blinked your eyes looking at Mr.choi. The priest reading the further vows. "Ms. Lee y/n do you take Mr.Choi Seungcheol as your lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?" You didn't know you were zoned out for so long. "I-I do"

"I now pronounce you, husband and wife, you may now kiss the bride." Mr.choi lifted the veil and pulled you toward him by waist crushing your body onto his. His grasp on your waist was firm. You kept your hands on his chest. He leaned closer to your lips and captured them with his own. You were startled and wanted this to end. You kept your lips closed. The kiss didn't last long, after few second Mr.Choi let go of you.

Time Skips –




You were going to Mr.choi's house in seoul from daegu. You didn't get a chance to ask anyone about what was actually happening. You didn't get proper introduction of his family members not even his parent. You even had doubt that they were present or not. Your cruel aunt after the marriage ceremony just told you that Mr Choi's wife was passed around 6 years ago while giving birth to their son.

Currently his and now your son whose name is Seungjae is with Mr.Choi's cousin named yoon Jeonghan at their hometown. You didn't understand why he have to send Seungjae to his cousin's place. The kid is really cute and was so welcoming towards you. For a moment you thought Mr.Choi married you so that there will be someone who'll take care of Seungjae. Well that's the only possible reason you see him marrying you.

The car ride was totally silent from the past 2 hours. You can see getting closer to seoul. You glanced at Mr.Choi taking in his side profile the sharp jawline and no emotions at all on face. You tried to break the silence as you spoke with low voice "Uh... Mr.choi why you sent Seungjae at your cousin's place?"

You waited patiently for him to answer back but nothing came from him as he kept his eyes on the road. Once again you tried to start the conversation "Why you married me?"

The car stopped with scrunching sound thanks to the seatbelt or else you were almost thrown toward the windshield of car. You opened your eyes which were closed due to the impact of sudden breaks. You looked at Mr.Choi who glared at you. You shifted your gaze downward. "Didn't I gave you chance to ask anything this morning, why didn't asked then rather than foolish things. You're not in a place to question me darling. So keep quit until we reach home." he spoke in threatening tone. You nodded not looking up. The car started again, with you shrunken on your seat with fear looking out of the window, the night fallen already. Seoul looking beautiful with all the night lights.

Once again car stopped and you looked outside, car was parked in front of beautiful house. Your house at daegu was nothing compared to this house. Not too small but not too big, garden at the front was adding beauty to the house. Mr.choi already left the car and walked inside the house. He didn't waited for you. You tried to get out of car on your own while struggling with your wedding gown. You took your suitcase from the car and started walking inside house.

Mr.Choi was really rich man. You were looking at the inside of the house. Everything was looking expensive. "The first room on the left side of second floor that's our bedroom. The kitchen is here" he pointed his finger to the left side. You didn't dare to look at him as you just started walking towards the stairs. His words our bedroom were not making you feel good.

You settled down in the room. You were going to share the room with Mr.Choi. He wasn't at home. After telling you where is bedroom and kitchen he left the house. You didn't mind.

It was quite late and you were too tired so you slipped under the duvet after eating.

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