~Meeting the Sully Family~

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Enjoy the first chapter make sure to let me know how it went and how you like!!

Warnings: Fluff

Words: 1056


3rd point of view:

Ace was running with Ney'tiri through the forest from where she found Ace, she had been behind her and she studied her, 'She seems. . . on guard. . .' Ace thought to herself as she followed her into a village where everyone stared at Ace. "Ma Jake, I have found this child wondering by herself and I couldn't leave her, so I brought her here," Ney'tiri said while the male Na'vi made his way to Ace and crouched in front of her, "Hey kid, how would you like to stay with us? you will have a nice place to sleep and good food because it looks like you haven't eaten in awhile, so how about you stay with us, ok?" He looked into her eyes and she slowly nodded, she was scared to speak to him because of what happened in the lab.

After a few minutes of them walking, they made it to a hut that had 4 other kids and they came to their parents to greet them at the door, "Mom!" Tuk yelled as she ran into her mothers legs and hugged her, the mother smiled and patted the little girls head, "Hello Tuk," Ney'tiri greeted Tuk and the little girl known as Tuk, looked behind her mother and saw Ace. "who's she?" Tuk asked as her head tilted sideways in curiosity. "She is a guest that is going to be staying with us for awhile, you kids be nice to her, if I find out one of you hurt her I will skin you alive." Ney'tiri threatened her children as she went back out with Jake to go hunt for food. 

Ace point of view:

"Welcome to the Sully family, I'm Kiri, this is Neteyam, Lo'ak, and Tuk'tiri but we call her Tuk." The female Na'vi said as I waved shyly, she grabbed my hand and started showing me where I would sleep. "This is where you would be sleeping, which is next to me and Neteyam," she said pointing to the slightly older male who was around my age, he waved at me and I waved back. "oh shit. . .I forgot to introduce myself, I'm Ace and I hope we can make a good friendship." I said smiling at all them and I sat down on the floor, they soon joined me after they finished doing whatever they were doing. 'They look much like their parents. . ." I thought to myself as I examined their face features. 

We all started talking like we knew each other for years and their parents come back hours later while we are laughing and smiling while playing fighting with each other. "Lo'ak that's not fair at all, your more skilled than I am and it's not fair," I fake whine while he laughs at me. "you just need to learn more skills and we can help you with that, if you'd like us too?" Neteyam said leaning on a wall. None of us realized that the adults are back and watching the children with a smile. Tuk started trying to play fight with me and I like her win because of the size difference. "Oh no, you got me," I said which made Tuk laugh a lot and I smiled up at her as she sat on my stomach. "your very pretty," she told me as she got off of me and started playing with my hair, "Well your also very pretty Tuk," I said while letting her play with my hair.

I sat up and let her put my hair into a bun, I looked towards the door and saw the adults. "I forgot to introduce myself, I'm Ace." I said with a smile while looking up at the Na'vi parents. "Well it's nice to meet you Ace, I'm Jake or you can call me Dad, whatever makes you comfortable and this is Ney'tiri, you can call her mom only if you want too." he said with a smile as he watched his children start to take the food inside and cook it. I slowly stood up and went to look at the night sky. "Wow. . .It's very beautiful at nighttime. . ." I said as I lay down in the grass admiring the sky, but I didn't realize the a certain boy came out and lied down with me, "The sky is beautiful isn't it? you know that my father always said that the ones who die are with Eywa and the can seek the piece that they want. . ." Neteyam said while looking up at the sky. "That sounds like a dream that would be worth looking for on Pandora." I said smiling not realizing that the 2 parents were watching us interact. 

"It's crazy how Many things can happen in one day or even one hour. . ." I looked over at him and stared into his eyes watching him stare back at me, "Yeah, but you will fit in perfectly fine because we will teach you our way and we will help you with whatever you need help with." He said smiling at me and I couldn't help but stare at him for a couple minutes. I was brought back to reality when his parents called us inside for dinner, so we got up and went inside for dinner.

After dinner we went to our sleeping arrangements and lied down, but for some reason I couldn't sleep; so I got up and decided to sit on the edge of the cliff that the hut was on and just stare into the open sky with my mind racing, "What are you doing up Ace?" A familiar voice asked as he came and sat next to me I realized that it was Jake. "I don't know, just things running through my mind and I can't seem to stop thinking about how things could so poorly. . ." I explained with a sad expression, "well your safe with us so let's get you into bed, alright?" He asked as he stood up with his hand outstretched for me to take, I gladly took his hand and went inside the hut with him, then went to my bed and slowly fell asleep.

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