~The New Clan~

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Hey guys!!! I'm back with another chapter!!!! This one will be a bit short or long idk yet, but we will get there, it isn't going to line up exactly like the story, but it should for the most part be on the story line!!!

Warnings: Fluff, bullying, slight angst

Words: 1794

Enjoy the story!!! how did Ya'll like the last chapter with Neteyam and Ace?


3rd point of view:

After hours of traveling from their homeland they finally made it to the Metkayina. Ace was worried that she wouldn't be able to wing from trees, but when she saw they had trees she relaxed a bit, she was still tense from being in an unknown place without knowing anyone here except for her family. "This place looks. . .nice. . .but I am worried that we won't fit in." Ace said as she leaned on Neteyam, "This place will be good for us, yes, it is new to us, but it is for our safety." Neteyam kissed her head for both their own comfort and reassurance.

They soon landed on the sand with their Ikrans behind them looking very tired. Ney'tiri was told by Jake to leave her bow because she didn't need it. Neteyam held Ace close as some boys got a little too close to her for both of their likings, Jake was in front of them with Ney'tiri, Tuk, and Kiri to his left while Ace, Lo'ak, and Neteyam were to his right. "Be nice." Ney'tiri gave her children warning looks as Neteyam glared at the three boys trying to get close to HIS mate. They greeted the boys as they walked past and bowed slightly, but Ace didn't like the mocking faces they were getting as they; the three boys went behind them and looked at their tails, "Easy, just be cool." Jake said as he stayed still while the people around the examined them with their eyes.

Ace was never good with meeting new people and her family knew this, so they put her in the middle of the family circle to make her more comfortable, which it did, and it made her smile slightly and she kept her hand intertwined with Neteyam's to make her feel grounded. The boys who were behind them started snickering at them, "What, what is that?" One of the boys pointed at our tails, "Is that supposed to be a tail?" They laughed at the tails we had, 'At least my tail looks normal.' Ace thought to herself. Ace looked at Lo'ak who was looking at a girl around his age, she followed his line of sight and saw her with a smirk.

Neteyam looked at the girl as well and he looked back down at Ace who was smirking at Lo'ak's expression, she elbowed Lo'ak with a big smirk on her face, "You like her don't you?" Ace asked Lo'ak as he looked away with a slight blush on his face, "Shut up." He told his older sister. "It's too small, how are they supposed to swim?" The boys continued laughing at the tails we had, "Enough!" The girl Lo'ak was staring at came up and smacked her brother's hand to make him stop, "Roxto, Aonung." She gave them a stern look which made them stop. 'Finally, someone made the shut up.' Ace mentally rolled her eyes and looked to the ground. 

A male and female were on some sort of animal that flew over their heads and soon they got off and walked in front of the Sully family. Ace knew the male was olo'eyktan so she lowered her head for respect towards him as the male started to speak, "I see you." Jake said as he bowed his head in greeting him and so did the rest of the family, soon a female walked out from behind him and looked at the family with judging eyes, "I see you, Ronal." Jake greeted the Tsahik of the Metkayina clan. "Why do you come to us, Jake Sully?" Tonowari asked the father as he looked at his wife and children, "We seek Uturu" he said with his arms open.

"Uturu?" Ronal asked Jake with a stern force. "A sanctuary for my family." Jake continued while looking at Ronal. A girl that was behind them were making fun of Ace's skin and her markings that looked very different from them. "Look at those markings she has on her back, legs, and arms." One of the girls laughed at how her marks were in different patterns, "And look at her skin, she doesn't look like her family." This caused Ace to put her ears down and her head hangs low as she gets in between Lo'ak and Neteyam, seeking comfort. "Neteyam and Lo'ak were very protective when it came to the girls in their family, they heard the girl's making fun of her and they got closer to Ace to comfort her, "Don't listen to them CeCe, they don't know what you've been through." Neteyam kissed her head as Lo'ak spoke her.

Ace nodded her head in agreement with her brother. The three weren't listening to what their parents were saying, but soon Ronal came up to the three and grabbed Ace's hand, "They have demon blood!" She yelled to her people as Ace looked down, "This one doesn't even look like a true Na'vi! Look at her skin tone and markings!" She yelled making her people hiss at the family, but Jake shook his hand in front of her face. "Hey! Look!" He showed her his hand and she looked at his hand in slight surprise. "I was born among the sky people and now I'm Na'vi, alright? You can adapt, we will adapt! okay?" Jake continued talking while looking at all the people around him and his family.

Ney'tiri decided to step in, "My husband was Toruk Makto." She said with a flat tone as she said, Jake cringed at the thought of that, "He led the clans to victory against the sky people." She continued talking while keeping eye contact with Ronal, Ace watched her mother carefully. "That you call victory?" Ronal questioned, "Hiding amongst strangers?" She looked at Ney'tiri with a stern look. "It seems Eywa has turned her back on you, chosen one." Ronal kept continue to talk as she looked at all of us, but Ney'tiri wasn't having it and she hissed at Ronal. Ronal hissed back at her to keep her ground, "I apologize for my mate, she is. . ." Jake began to speak while looking back at Ney'tiri, "Do not apologize for me." Ney'tiri looked at him with an angry look. "We've come a long way and she is exhausted." Jake ignored her protest for him to stop, "Jake!" Ney'tiri hissed at her husband.

"Toruk Makto is a great war leading. All Na'vi people know his story." Tonowari spoke to his people, "We cannot let you bring your war here." He looked at Jake with a solem expression, "I don't want war, okay?" Jake looks at him while holding his child. "I just want to keep my family safe." He said holding Tuk close to him as she was tired from flying all day. "Uturu has been asked." Ney'tiri said, closing her eyes as she held hands with Kiri, "Toruk Makto and his family will stay us." Tonowari said as he looked at his people making the family sigh with relief, "Treat them as our brother and sisters. But they do not know the sea, so they will be like babies taking their first breathe." Tonowari said making the family look down slightly with smiles on their faces, "What do we say?" Jake looked down at Tuk , "Thank you." She said shyly as she looked up at the male.

We followed his daughter who was known as Tsireya, they followed her with smiled on their faces and once they got to their hut, they set all their stuff down to get organized. "Yeah, this will work." Jake said as he sat down, Ace didn't say anything as she sat at the edge of the hut with her feet in the water and she looked down at the fish. She heard footsteps coming towards her and the person sat down next to her, she didn't have to look to see who it was, she knew it was Neteyam. Lo'ak soon joined them, sitting on her other side. 

"What's wrong?" Neteyam asked his lover wondering why she was sad, "Did you not here what those girls were saying about me? My skin is different, my marks are different, everything about me is different, I don't even look like any of you, my type of people aren't very common anymore. . ." Ace said as she started to tear up, "I'm not normal like you guys." She looked down with a sad expression on her face. "Don't let those girls get to you, darling, they don't know you like we do." Neteyam hugged the girl close to him as Lo'ak smiled, "Yeah, we love you just the way you are, we don't want you to be different at all, stay how you are." Lo'ak said with a smile as he got up and went to play with Tuk. 

"He is right, don't change who you are just because some girls made fun of you, you're a very special girl and I love that." Neteyam said with a smile on his face as he looked down at the female. The girl smiled and nodded with agreement, "You're right, I shouldn't listen to them." She smiled up at Neteyam with a goofy smile on her face. Neteyam leaned down and laid a light kiss on her soft lips, she kissed back with a smile, "Thank you for that, Neteyam." Ace said while she put her head against his to show him affection, "Ngenga are very important to me, Ace, ngenga are my world, ulte set can 'eveng tsakem." He said to her with a big smile as he kissed her forehead.

(Translation: You are very important to me, Ace, you are my world, and nothing can change that.)

Ace just smiled at what he said and spoke, "You are such a hopeless romantic." Ace giggled as she kissed him again and looked at him with love in her eyes that would last forever. The male gave her the same look to her as he chuckled at what she said, "What can I say? I'm in love with you." He said with a smile on his face, he admired you, every little part of you made him smile, he loved seeing you every day when he looked at you. 


Enjoy this crappy chapter!!! Idk how i feel about this chapter because I feel like it was kinda rushed and crappy-

Was it bad or not?

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