~The Return~

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Hey guys!! I'm back!! Hope you people enjoy this chapter!!! 

Warning: Panick attack!!, Neteyam being a good boyfriend

Words: 1078

3rd point of view:

The family was cleaning up some of the hut when all of a sudden the horn blew, so they went outside to look and see what was happening, "What was that?" Tuk looked up at her father as they saw all the Metekyina jumping into the water, "The Tolkun have returned! Everybody, our brothers and sisters have returned!" Tsireya yelled as she waved at all the people. Ace and Kiri were sitting in the hut while the other family members were outside, "Kiri! Ace! Come on! Come on!" Tuk took Ace's hand and Kiri's also.

"Tuk, leave me alone." Kiri said as she looked at Tuk, "Come on!" Tuk urged her sisters, "What?" Kiri let out a groan as she let Tuk drag her outside aside with Ace following them with a smile. "Kiri, it won't be that bad to go outside." Ace placed a hand on her shoulder which caused Kiri to smile at her, "Look! Look." Tuk said as she looked at what was happening outside which made Ace's and Kiri's eyes widen from all the Tolkun jumping up from the water, Ace smiled at the sight as they slowly walked forward. 

"Come on! Let's go meet them." Tuk dragged Kiri while Ace followed them, Kiri now had a smile on her face, They got on their Ilu's and rode out to where Tsireya and Lo'ak were. "Look! It is my spirit sister!" Tsireya pointed out to the siblings as they looked to where she was pointing, Neteyam joined them and he was smiling so wide that it could make anyone smile, Ace was staring at him with a smile as well because all she could see was him and she just kept looking at him with love in her eyes.

The parents looked at their oldest child and smiled at each other, "She is very much in love with Neteyam." Said Ney'tiri who looked at Jake as he nodded in agreement. Ace looked away from him as she couldn't stop smiling because she kept thinking about Neteyam and how she was so lucky to have him in her life, the kids were having the time of their lives because they were playing with Tolkun's and holding onto their fins so they could ride underwater with them. Jake and Ney'tiri watched their kids as they smiled at each other.

~A Few Hours Later~

The family was sitting in their hut with smiles on their faces while it was raining outside, Tonowari walked up to the hut and Jake looked up him as Ney'tiri did the same. His smile soon disappeared as he looked up at him, Jake followed him outside, "What's wrong?" Jake asked him as Ney'tiri soon followed them outside, "The sky people," Tonowari said as he turned to face Jake, "Their looking for you Jake sully." He continued talking to Jake and his wife. "South. Half human boy, who speaks Na'vi." He pointed south as he didn't take his eyes off Jake, "Did they kill anybody?" Jake finally spoke as Tonowari turns towards the sea.

"Not yet." Tonowari answered with a stern tone, "The villages will not tell where you are." He know faced Jake as Jake pinned his ears against his head while he looked down at the ground, "By my order." Tonowari looked at Jake. Jake looked up at him with slight surprise. The chief walked away as the adults went inside, Ney'tiri started chopping up some fruit very quickly as Jake sat their and looked at her, "We must hut this demon, trap him, kill him." Ney'tiri didn't take her eyes off of the fruit in front of her, "We gotta be smart." Jake told Ney'tiri as she looked at him will anger in her eyes, "If we hit Quaritch they are gonna know where we are and their gonna come here with everything they've got." He told his wife as he looked outside and back at her.

Ney'tiri was breathing heavily as she spoke again, "Then what is our plan?" She asked Jake while she looked at him. Meanwhile the kids were sitting in a different section of the hut, the kids were with Tsireya and her siblings at their hut except for Ace and Neteyam. Ace was listening to the whole conversation and she started to panic, "Oh shit. . .I can't go back to that lab. . .Neteyam! If they find me, they will take me back!" Ace said in a panicked tone as she looked at her lover with fear in her eyes, "They will not touch you! I will protect, even if it kills me, as long as your alive and well." Neteyam said as he held the girl closer to his chest. Ace's breathing picked up as she started shaking in his arms, "Love! It is going to be okay!" He held the girl as close as he could.

She was shaking so bad and her breathing wasn't normal, "Sweetheart, I need you to calm down for me okay?" He tried to get her to respond but she didn't give him a sign that she knows he's there, so he did the one thing he could try, he kissed her which made her hold her breathe and it worked, she started to calm down as she was still shaking just not as bad as she was before. "They will not lay a finger on you, got it?" He tilted her chin up so she would look at him, she nodded at him, "You are Brave, Fearless, Strong, and Bold." Neteyam looked down at her as he said this, "You are worth everything in this world, you deserve to be treated with respect, kindness, and equally because you are MY girlfriend and you deserve better than this war that we are fighting." He kissed her head, then her nose, then her cheek, then her other cheek, and then her lips.

She smiled at him, "You are Intelligant, Capable, and confident." He continued, "You are Beautiful, Kind, Lovable, and most importantly, YOU ARE PERFECT." He finished talking as he looked down at her. "I really needed to hear that, thank you Neteyam." Ace kissed him and she cuddled as close as possible to him, so she could feel warm as they listenedto the rain that was outside.


Sorr for the short chapter im just not feeling well atm so pls take this one for now!!!

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