~Seeking A New Home~

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Hello!!! I hope you'll enjoy this chapter because I may or may not have put some SPICY scenes between Neteyam and Ace!!!

Warnings: Slight smut, Blood, !!!Long chapter!!!

Words: 2488


Rain had set in and it was now dark, Quaritch still had the kids held hostage, "Ngenga are fucked! 'itan will kì'ong ngenga!" Ace yelled at the colonel, he heard this and walked over to her with his knife while everyone screamed at him to stop, "Say something again and you will be sent to them harmed." He said grabbing her by her braid and held her tightly making her yelp in response, "Your father knows that I won't hesitate to kill you!" He yells our load enough for the parents to hear him.

(Translation: you are fucked! They will kill you!)

Ace was released and the other male Na'vi grabbed her again and keep her tightly in his hold, Animal noised could be heard over the sound of rain fall, Quaritch stalked behind the group with his gun tightly in his hold, watching the forest because he knew who was coming to save the kids. What he didn't know is they were already there, Jake and Ney'tiri were very close and that Ney'tiri was watching from above in the trees, Jake was on the ground while trying not to make any noise. 

"Watch your six." Quaritch told the one's holding Ace and Lo'ak as he moves more away from them. Lo'ak growls at the guy who was holding him as he was shoved to the ground, Ace hissed at the man who shoved him down, but only resulted in a slap to the face and a shove to the ground. She landed in front of Lo'ak with a busted lip from the impact of the hit; however, in the distance a familiar noise could be heard making all the teens ears perk up at the noise. Ace hold Tuk close to her own body to help keep her warm from the cold rain as she looked at Lo'ak and gave him a knowing look as to say 'they are here' which he understood who she meant, she held Tuk a little bit closer to give her reassurance and comfort.

Up in the trees was Ney'tiri watching her children closely and also keeping her eyes on the Na'vi who held them captive, she leaned her back against the tree with her bow and in one hand as she yips for her children, to tell them that they were there and ready to rescue them. Below the trees was Jake stalking in the shadows with an axe as a weapon in one, he started to sneak up on one of the Avatar soldier. He executes a silent attack as to not alert anybody else that they are there, he places the Avatar on the ground to help keep themselves hidden from Quaritch and the other Avatars. 

An Avatar has picked Ace back up and held her braid with a tight grip with a gun to her head. Ney'tiri peeked out from behind the tree that was covering her, she aimed her bow but realized she couldn't get a shot because Ace was in the way and she wouldn't risk hitting her child. She looked back and they both made eye contact, Ace looked back at her and gave her a slight nod to tell her to take the shot. Ney'tiri trusted her oldest to move so she drew her bow and arrow back, the mother took the shot and Ace moved out of the way as all the other kids bit down on the Avatar soilders while they were distracted. 

"Everyone! Go!" Ace yelled as she picked up Tuk in her arms and ran behind everyone one, but what she didn't realize is that she got shot while running away with the rest of the kids. "CeCe! You are bleeding!" Tuk yelled as she pointed at her shoulder and her leg that had a huge gash on it, "It is fine, Tuk." The female grunted as she jumped over a log as the rest of the kids were grouping up away from the Avatars.

~With Neteyam, Jake, and Ney'tiri~

Quaritch was hidden behind a big log as he was reloading his gun he saw Ney'tiris arrow lodged into his teammates skull. He stared at it for a few and decided to try and talk to her, "Is that you Mrs. Sully?" He asked the female that wasn't too far from him, "I recognize your calling card." He called out to her as he finished loading his gun." Ney'tiri doesn't respond to him, as she hides behind her cover, her focus was just to get her family to safety. Quaritch signals his teammate to go towards where her cover was, "Why don't you come out, Mrs. Sully? You and I have unfinished business."

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