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I hope it's ok that I made Ace and Kiri siblings like actual siblings because they were both born from Eywa, but Ace doesn't know who her mom is so i just thought she would be Grace's kid as well like Kiri is!!

Warnings: Fluff, Seizure warning!!!!, Neteyam being worried asf!!!

Words: 1501


3rd point of view:

Neteyam and Ace were sitting together by the beach when Tsireya, Tuk, Kiri, and Roxto came to them and asked them to come with them to see the Spirit tree which they didn't decline because they wanted to see what the tree looked like here. They soon all went into a cave like place with a huge whole at the top, so the light can shine in, "This is our Spirit Tree." Tsireya said as she looked at Ace and Kiri with Tuk behind Ace, all of them soon swam under the surface so they could connect to the tree, "This is incredible." Ace signed to Tsireya who just smiled at her. 

They each connected their braids to the tree, Ace pupils dialated a little bit as she closed her eyes and the next thing she did now expect.

What she's seeing:

Ace was looking at a women who was sitting down in a chair looking into a microscope type thing and then Kiri also walked up next to Ace as they continued to walk towards the women sitting down. They both stopped and looked at her, the women lifted her head and turned around to look at both of us, "My beautiful daughters." Grace said as she looked at both of us with a smile on her face, "Hi Ma." Kiri said as she started to tear up as she was seeing her mother for the first time, "Hey Mom." Ace said as she stood a little closer to her new found little sister. 

"I'm so happy to see you girls." Grace said as she stood up to about our height due to a platform she was on, "Are you in trouble?" She asked her daughters as both of them ran into her arms hugging her a little right with their heads in Grace's neck, Grace shushed them both as they started crying, "Hi sweet girls." She said hugging them tightly. "Are you ok?" She kept trying to see what was wrong, but to no avail they sisn't answer her, they just hugged her even tighter. 

"What is it baby?" They now pulled away and Grace was in her Avatar form, Ace and Kiri looked up at her, "Why are we different?" Ace asked her mother as her mother looked at her older daughter, "What does the great mother want from us?" Ace continued. "Who was our father?" Kiri asked Grace with sterness in her voice, but before she could answer the two girls were pulled back to reality. 


They were siezing in the water, as the tree started to flicker because of the connection, the tree soon went dark as Tsireya disconnected Kiri and Neteyam disconnected Ace. They carried the two girls to the surface, "Ace! Kiri!" Tuk whined in worried as Neteyam got on his Ilu with Ace in front of him, Tsireya had Kiri infront of her on her Ilu, "What is it? What is wrong?" Tuk asked her older brother, "It was a seizure." Neteyam said as he started to do mouth to mouth on Ace as Tsireya left with Kiri to get her help while Neteyam and the others help Ace. 

"Is she breathing?" Roxto asked Neteyam, "Is she breathing?" He asked again, but soon after Ace gasped for air but showed no signs of response. "We need to get to the village! Let's go!" Neteyam yelled as he rode away to the village with Ace tight in his hold. After they got to the village, Norm and his team soon arrived with medication for both of the girls, Kiri was already back to health because they gave her medication already. When Neteyam arrived with Ace they immediately started getting to work.

They monitored her brain activity but nothing showed up negative, everything was positive and all right. "Everything looks good." One of the scientist guys said as he showed Norm her brain activity, Ronal walked into the room with some stuff, "I see that I am not needed here." Ronal said as she started to walk away, but Ney'tiri grabbed her arm, "You are Tsaik!" Ney'tiri told Ronal as she stopped and looked at the machines, "You move these things." Ronal said as she looked back at Ney'tiri.

"Out! You have done nothing!" Ney'tiri yelled at Norm and the scientists. "Ok! Hold on I have to take her IV." Norm told her as he took out the IV and packed everything up. After a short while Ronal started doing a healing process as Ace lied unmoving, Ronal mumbled a chant as to call for Eywa's help to heal Ace. "she said that her and Kiri could feel Eywa, hear her heartbeat." Jake looked at Norm who was listening closely to what he was saying, "That is classic frontal lobe, epilepsy." Norm responded to Jake who looked slightly shocked.

"Epilespy?" Jake asked him surprised at what he said, "Yeah, you see visions, you get states of religious extasy like the kind she's describing." Norm continued and Jake shook his head as he looked down.Inside the hut they were still doing the healing method to get Ace better, outside of the hut Norm was still talking to Jake about what just happened, "Plugging into the spirit tree is some sort of a trigger." Norm looked at Jake, "You definitely can't let them do that." Norm continues, "What? Ever?" Jake had his ears pinned to his head as he looked at Norm with a sad expression.

"Jake, if they seize underwater again, It could kill them." The other scientist said as he looked at Jake, before they could continue Ace woke up with a gasp that had the whole family at her side, "Ace, your awake." Tuk said with a smile on her face as she looked down at her older sister, Jake was next to Ney'tiri as Neteyam held her hand tightly with Kiri holding Ace's head. Ace looked around and started crying because she realizes that she wasn't with her mother anymore, "Oh Ace." Ney'tiri said as she held her daughters hand, "Oh Ace, my sweet child." Ney'tiri put her face next to Ace's as she kept crying.

~Couple hours later~

Ace was sitting in the corner of the hut by herself as she hasn't moved in hours, Neteyam came up to her and decided to sit next to her and let her take her time. "You scared me today." Neteyam said to her as she didn't respond, "You can talk to me." Neteyam moved a little closer to her, but to his surprise she layed her head on his lap, "I-I saw my mom, like my actual mom." Ace started tearing up, "Kiri is my biolagical sister, which is kind of surprising, but I don't remember being born from my mom." Ace looked up at him with teary eyes, "She was so beautiful, kind, sweet, and she looked so- so real, like I could physically hug her." Ace smiled up at Neteyam.

"She sounds lovely and I knew you and Kiri hit it off when yout two met because you guys wouldn't stop laughing and play fighting." Neteyam played with her hair, "I'm glad you're ok, you scared me today." He told her as he looked down at her, "You could have died on me today." He started to get teary eyed, but he quickly wiped them away. "Kiri is by the water if you want to talk to her." Neteyam told his lover as she sat up, "I think I need to talk to her." She said this then kissed him on the head and went to look for Kiri. 

Soon she found her sitting on a rock, "This is really exciting." Ace said this startling the girl, "I mean I guess it is exciting." Kiri looked at her new found sister, "I can't believe you were my sister this whole time and we didn't even know about it." Kiri kept her eyes on Ace as the girl sat next to Kiri. "I'm glad I have a sister like you though because I've had a weird feeling that you and I connected a certain way, but I would have never thought it would turn out into us being siblings." Ace said as she hugged Kiri with a smile on her face, "We seriously need to figure out how to tell mom and dad about this." Kiri said while pulling away. "Yeah, we do." Ace watched the sunset with her sister.


Sorry for the short chapter!!! I hope you enjoyed this chapter!! Please leave a comment or suggestion so I can think about what to do with Neteyam and Ace in the next chapter!!!

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