~One Year Later~

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Here is the next chapter!! Enjoy this chapter!!

Warning: None

Words: 1785

3rd point of view:

Ace, Neteyam, and Lo'ak were on spotting duty for the raid that was happening on ground. Ace was still shy around new people, but she got comfortable with the Sully family ever since they welcomed her into her home and treated her with such kindness and respect. That was when she was 16, same age as Neteyam and one year older than Lo'ak. Now she is 17, Neteyam is 17, Lo'ak is 16, Tuk is 6, and Kiri is 15. She is the oldest out of all of them, so it is her responsibility to keep them safe. She is a couple months older than Neteyam.

On one of the Banshee's was Ace, the oldest daughter of the Sully children. "Make sure to keep a lookout for drones, aircrafts, and warships!" She yelled to her two brothers who were to her left, Lo'ak was on the end and Neteyam was in the middle of them. Lo'ak looked down at the ground and looked at all the Na'vi fighters that had weapons in their hands, "Bro! We have got to get down there!" Lo'ak spoke to his brother and sister, "No way!" Neteyam told Lo'ak. "Dad will skin us if we go down there!" He called out to him and looked to Ace for backup, "He's right Lo'ak, we are supposed to be spotters and look out for sky people!" She yelled while looking at Lo'ak, but he just rolled his eyes and looked at the ground again. 

Lo'ak looked back at the older siblings, "Don't be a wuss." And after that statement he dove down towards the ground. "Lo'ak! Get back here you--!" Neteyam yelled and quickly followed him along with Ace who was right behind him. "Lo'ak! Dad is going to kill us if he founds out we are down here!" She yelled at him as the trio landed on the ground and they all hopped off and went to where everyone was getting weapons. "Let's go! Come on!" Lo'ak yelled as he ran in front of us, Neteyam grabbed Ace and held her hand so she wouldn't get lost in the crowd of Na'vi that were on the ground. "Lo'ak, we should go back into the sky where dad told us to stay!" Ace yelled trying to get Lo'ak to change his mind, but he does not let up. 

One of the Na'vi people handed Lo'ak a gun and a mag. He took it as he was handed some ammo, "You don't even know how to use it." Neteyam spoke looking at his younger brother, Lo'ak held the gun proudly and was happy with what he got from coming onto the ground. "Dad taught me." He said with a cocky smirk. Still up on some debris, Jake scanned the Na'vi who were on the ground with the raid, his ears flattened when he caught sight of his daughter and two sons on the ground, with a gun. He was about to go down there but Ney'tiri gave a yip as a aircraft started coming towards us, they soon take it down but it was going towards the raid. "Helicopter warship! Fall back!" He yells in a demanding voice, warning the Na'vi near the aircraft in the air.

"Oh shit. . ." Ace cursed under her breathe as she grabbed both of the boys and started running away from the explosion that way about to happen. Though they were too late to escape as the explosion blew them away, separating them from each other, "Lo'ak! Neteyam!" Ace yelled as she got blown into a wall getting caught under some gravel. Jake saw this happened and immediately went down on the ground to find his kids, "Kids! Where are you!?" He yelled as he hopped over a part of the train that was destroyed, he spotted Lo'ak on the ground trying to sit up. "Easy. . .Easy. . ." He told his son, "Where is your brother and sister?" He asked him noticing that his eyes weren't focused on anything and was still in shock. "Hey! Where are you siblings?!" He asked in a firm voice, Lo'ak pointed towards where Ace and Neteyam got blown to, Jake immediately went that way and found Neteyam. "Dad?" Neteyam said as he looked up at his dad with a few scratches, "Where is Ace?" He asked him as he helped the boy sit up.

Before the boy could say anything he heard a quiet whine, but he heard it and knew it was Ace, so he immediately went towards the sound and saw her under a huge piece of concrete, "Baby girl?!" He ran over to her and got the concrete off of her, "Hey dad. . ." She spoke with a hoarse voice, but he didn't respond. Jake grab her, put her on shoulder, and held her leg and arm to keep her on (Like he did with Neteyam) while he ran back to his Banshee. Lo'ak and Netayam were already at their Banshee's, they saw their father and looked down ashamed when they saw their fathers harsh glare. Jake put Ace on his Banshee then got on and held the small female Na'vi against his chest and with that he flew to the base with his family and the other Na'vi fighters following him.


All the Na'vi fighters were back and at the base including the Sully family. The groups flown to the mountains and landed, Ney'tiri hopped of of her Banshee and saw her youngest child running to her, "Mom!" Tuk yelled as she hugged her mothers leg with a smile. "Tuk." Said Ney'tiri as she gently placed her hands on the young girls head. Neteyam jumped off of his banshee and went to his father to take Ace from him, his father gently handed her to his son and got down from his Banshee. "Boys!" His stern tone made them walk over to him and stand in front of him.

"you're supposed to be spotters! You spot the enemies from a distance!" Jake hissed at his children, Ney'tiri looked over at her daughters battered body and her ears flattened as she grew worried for her oldest child. She walked over and put her hands on her head and caressed her forehead. Kiri heard the yelling, and walked over to her family, but when she got there she saw Ace's scratched up body and gasped at the sight. She went over to Ace and looked over her body for any serious injuries, luckily there were none, "Jesus, I let you two geniuses fly on a mission and you disobey my direct orders!" Jake continued ranting about how they have been so reckless.

The two boys had their ears flattened as he kept yelling at his children. He looks at Kiri, "Kiri, could you go help your grandmother with the wounded, please." Jake told the young girl who was near Ace, "My sister is wounded." She states as she looked up at her father. "it's ok, go on." The female sighed in annoyance and gave her father a little glare before walking off with Tuk following her closely behind. "Sir, I take full responsiblity." Neteyam spoke to his father, making his younger brother look at him with slight surprise. "Yeah that's right. You're the older brother, you act like it." He scolded Neteyam, Ney'tiri decides it's time to stop the argument and caressed Ace's head, "Ma Jake, Ace is bleeding." 

The young girl was about to protest, but all that came out was a coughing fit, which made the boys look at her in worry. "Dismissed." He told Neteyam, Jake now was looking down at his youngest son, his eyes narrowed as he began to speak, "You do undertsnad you almost got your siblings killed." Lo'ak looks up at his father a little with his ears flattened as his expression showed guilt, "Yes, sir." He looked down as he thought of Ace being injured. Jakes jaw clenched, "You're grounded. No flying for a month." He voiced out a punishment looking down at his son. "Now see to the Ikrans, all of them." Lo'ak just nodded his head and mumbled, "Yes, sir." Jake looked at his son then looked away, "And get that crap of your face." Jake demanded his son as he watched the male Na'vi went to do what he was told as his father gave him a warning glare.

~At the hut~

Ace was currently making hissing noises towards her grandmother who was applying gel to help heal her scratches. "Aw, want a kiss for the boo boo?" Spider said with a fake pout, a few feet in front of them, causing Neteyam and Lo'ak to give him a slight glare, he put his arms up in defeat. "I would use Yalnabark." Kiri observed how I was reacting to the gel and voiced her opinion to their grandmother who was behind Ace addressing her wounds, "Oh, you would?" She answered back, barely glancing at Kiri, but kept her eyes on the girls back as she realized that most of her wounds already started healing properly. 'Interesting. . .' The grandmother thought as she observed the now healed wounds.

"Remind me, who is the Tsaik here?" Their grandmother said as she kept her eyes focused on Ace's back, "But Yalnabark is better." Kiri said as she sat next to the girl. Ace mutter a few 'ow' noises, causing Neteyam to kiss her head to sooth her in comfort, "and it stings less." Kiri watched as feeling bad knowing the gel hurts more than what she suggested to her grandmother. 

Outside of the warm hut sat Ney'tiri and Jake. Ney'tiri watched the scene inside with a slight smile, but it faded when she remembered what happened today at the raid. "What?" Jake looked at his mate questioningly, knowing something was wrong since she went quiet and watched her children. Ney'tiri didn't answer for a few seconds, "Neteyam and Lo'ak try to live up to you, it is very hard on them." She said as Jake was cleaning and fixing the gun, "You are very hard on them." He slips his gun back into its holster in place, making it click as he fixated his eyes on his wife, " I'm their father, it's my job." She tilted her head as he said that, "This is not a squad, this is a family." Jake pursed his lips at what she said as he thinks about what happened today. He exhaled shakily, "I thought we lost them today." He utters with a soft tones. Ney'tiris eyes soften and her face drops slightly, she squeezes his arm to comfort him. 

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