Chapter Seventeen: The Doctor

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Sodo was back in the waiting room, already explaining what had happened to Ember to the others. A doctor soon came over and said, "You, son, were right. She was poisoned. We were able to give her some medications to counter act it, but it's not an antidote. It'll only help her for now until we figure out the antidote. Unfortunately, we are unfamiliar with the poison used. Until we can figure out an antidote, we have put her into a medically induced coma. It'll buy her some time, but we aren't sure for how long."

"What was used?" Sodo asked. The doctor looked at his notes saying, "The only thing that's coming up on the tests were running is just pure carbon dioxide. But that can't be it. She would've definitely died if that was put directly into her body in this form."

"Do you have any other information?" Aether asked as Sodo's eyes widened hearing what was put into his mates body. The doctor told them that he had nothing else but he would keep them informed before walking away. Sodo turned to look at everyone saying, "If she was human, it would've killed her. But she's not. Think about it. What would you use to put out a fire quickly? You'd take all the oxygen. What does that quickly and effectively? Carbon dioxide. It must have been a small amount for her to have this reaction. It wasn't enough to kill her, but it was enough to hurt her."

"But who did it?" Rain asked. Sodo looked at him and asked, "Who's been trying to get rid of her?"

That was when Rains eyes widened in realization, "Sister Imperator."

"Wait, wait, wouldn't someone notice if she had put something in her I.V? She never carried a bag either. How would she have gotten it in?" Cirrus asked. Sodo slumped down in a seat, out if ideas, "I don't know. But whoever did manage to do it, she had something to do with it."

Swiss thought for a moment before saying, "She may not have done it herself, but if she had someone on the inside..."

"Swiss, that might've been the smartest thing you've ever said," Sodo said, looking at him. Swiss looked at him offended as Aether thought about it for a second, "It does make sense. I mean, think about it. Between when Sister was here and Ember's seizure, that's too big of a time frame. But maybe one of the doctors are in on it and slipped her the poison just before Cirrus and Cumulus went in."

"It can't be the doctor that helped her. Why would someone poison a person and then help them?" Swiss asked. Sodo looked at him and said, "Don't overthink it bro. You might hurt yourself."

"Wha- Hey!" Swiss complained. He just crossed his arms over his chest like a little kid, leaning back in his chair. Aether asked, "Cirrus or Cumulus, did either if you see a doctor around her room that we hadn't seen today?"

Both shook their heads. Sodo sighed and said, "She's not safe here."

"Well, we can't break her out of here like we broke her out of the basement. She kinda can't walk," Rain told him. Aether said, "We just need to keep a close eye on her door. Make note of everyone going in and out. See if anyone looks suspicious or familiar even. It could be someone else from the church."

"I can-" Swiss tried to speak, just for Sodo to silence him, "Shhh, the big brains are at work."

Aether gave Sodo a look, just for Sodo to hold his hands up as if saying he didn't do anything. Rain asked, "When do visiting hours end?"

"Around 6," Sunshine told him. Rain told them, "One of us should stay with her as long as we can, just to make sure this doesn't happen again."

"I thi-"

"Swiss, please," Sodo cut him off once again before saying, "I'll stay with her. She may think I hate her, but she's asleep. She can't tell me to leave."

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