Chapter Ninety-Four: The Wedding

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Two weeks later

"Get your ass in this chair right now, Ember. I will tie you down if I have to," Cirrus told the pacing fire ghoulette. She was in a simple robe, worried about what the night might bring, "What if I end up falling over and I ruin the cake? What if I ruin Sodo's suit? What if I accidentally say I don't?"

"Ember, I fucking swear to Satan, sit down!" Sunshine yelled, grabbing her arm and making her sit in the chair, "Everything will be fine. We took care of everything. We just need to get you ready. Can you let us do that so you can finally have your big day. It's been almost 3 fucking years since he proposed, I think he's waited long enough."

Ember took a deep breath, her hands shaking with nerves. Sunshine sighed, "You love Sodo, right?"

"With everything I have," Ember told her. Cirrus then asked, "And you trust all of us, right?"

"With my life," Ember answered. Cumulus walked over from fixing up Embers dress saying, "Then you have nothing to worry about. This night is all about you and Sodo. Focus on that. We will handle the rest."

Ember took a deep breath, nodding, "Yeah, you're right."

They started to help Ember get her hair up into a half up half down hairstyle, getting a simple smokey eye on her. Cumulus helped her into her dress. It was a gothic/Victorian style dress with black lace sleeves and red skirt. Cirrus helped get her short heels on, Sunshine getting the black and red train pinned into her hair. Ember looked at herself in the mirror and bit her lip, trying to hold back tears. Aeris soon walked in, dressed in a black tux with a gold tie asking, "Are you ready yet? I'm hearing from Rain and Aether that Sodo's getting antsy."

"Ember was too. But it was mainly nerves. She's ready," Sunshine told him. Aeris nodded and said, "I'll tell the guys to get ready then."

It wasn't long until everyone was ready to get it all started. Ember was holding her bouquet of flowers that had red stems with black flowers while Cumulus, Cirrus, and Aurora had red flowers with black stems, the three of them wearing red tea dresses with black sashes. Sunshine was wearing a black tea dress with a gold sash, also holding a small bouquet of flowers like the other ghoulettes. She stood next to Rain, her arm hooked in his. Rain had on a similar tux to Aeris, as did Aether, whonwas stood next to his mate, their arms hooked. Ifrit, Mountain, and Phantom had on normal tuxes with red ties, Ifrit standing with Cumulus, Cirrus with Mountain, and Phantom with Aurora.

Before Ember came over, Lilith walked over to Sodo, asking, "You ready?"

Sodo had on a blacked out tux, a red bow tie and his hair down over his shoulders, nodding at Lilith, "Yeah. Yeah, I'm ready."

Lilith smiled, her red floor length dress with a gold sash fitting her nicely. She held out her arm to Sodo saying, "Let's get you married then."

Lilith led Sodo down the aisle, a piano interlude of The Darkness At The Heart Of My Love playing. They were followed by Ifrit and Cumulus, then Mountain and Cirrus, then Phantom and Aurora. Ember was waiting around the corner when Swiss walked over to her, wearing a suit with a red dress shirt and a gold tie, "I still can't believe you chose me to give you away."

"You were one of my first best friends here. It's only right," Ember said. Swiss smiled softly, holding his arm out to her, her hand wrapping around his bicep as Rain and Sunshine walked down the aisle, followed by Aether and Aeris. Shadow soon walked down the aisle, holding the rings on a black and gold pillow while wearing a suit like Swiss', he was followed by Lang, who had a dress like Sunshine's. She was throwing black and red flower petals down the aisle just as Ember emerged with Swiss.

As soon as Sodo laid eyes on her, he covered his mouth with his hand, tears filling his eyes as he stared in awe at his wife-to-be. As soon as Ember's eyes connected with his, she felt all nervousness go away. She was filled with a wave of calm, smiling at her mate. Once Swiss got down to the end of the aisle, he gave Ember a hug, telling her, "You look beautiful, by the way."

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