Chapter Fifty-Three: Collision

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"We need to come up with a plan," Ifrit called after Cirrus as they ran through the halls of the church. Cirrus said, "Yeah, I have a plan. Attack."

"That's not a plan!" Ifrit exclaimed, his eyes widening as he saw Cirrus use her ability to push an angel away, letting it get impaled by a torch, killing it instantly. He muttered, "That's fucking terrifying."

"Are you going to fight or not? Because this church needs you. Your friends need you," Cirrus said, looking at Ifrit. Ifrit sighed and nodded, "Yeah. You're right. Let's keep moving."

They kept running down the halls, Cirrus stopping every so often when they came across an injured sister or brother telling them that the ghoul common room was the infirmary and to head over there. Any ghoul they came across it was always too late. Both of them would stop and make sure the ghoul wasn't one of them, both breathing a sigh of relief when they noticed it wasn't. Of course, they felt bad for the ghoul that didn't make it. They just didn't want to find Mountain or Swiss or any one of them on the side, dead.

Ifrit asked Cirrus after a while, "What are we gonna do if we do find one of us dead?"

"We won't," Cirrus said. She was trying to convince herself they wouldn't. She was worried about Sodo, having heard he was crushed by rocks. Even more since Ember said she couldn't feel the pull anymore. She was worried about Mountain. She knew he could hold his own, but she was scared he would take on more than he could handle. She was worried for her own mate. She knew Cumulus could handle herself as well, but anything could happen.

She saw Ifrit flinch and clutch his chest as he leaned against the wall, letting out a gasp of pain. Her eyes widened as she rushed to him, "What's wrong?"

"I don't-" He paused to let out a painful groan, "I don't know. Something doesn't feel right. Something just-"

He groaned once again, feeling another pain, making him lean his head back against the wall, "Fuck- I think it's Lilith. I think she's in trouble."

Cirrus thought back to when Sodo had felt pains, making her eyes widen. She had thought only Sodo and Ember were soulmates. She thought those two were the only ones. But it seemed like Ifrit and Lilith were as well. They had been separated for a while. But maybe she was getting hurt. Maybe she was in trouble and that's why it was hurting him more. Her eyes widened as she said, "You're soulmates. Just like Ember and Sodo. Everything seems to always be amplified with Soulmates. Fuck, we need to find her."

Ifrit nodded and took a deep breath, pushing off the wall and walking down the hallway, his hand still on his chest, Cirrus walking next to him. They stopped every once in a while when Ifrit had another pain run through his chest. Cirrus was worried about him. If he was too focused on his mate, what if they had to fight against angels? What if he lost focus and got killed? She knew he was a strong fire ghoul. If he was okay, he would be able to defend himself. She just wasn't sure if she was strong enough to defend herself and him if it came down to it.

Ifrit stumbled a few times, reaching out to grab the wall to stabilize himself. He finally stopped walking and told Cirrus, "Go on without me, I'm slowing you down."

"Ifrit, I am in no hurry to get anywhere. I want to put off fighting an angel as long as possible and if you struggling to get anywhere right now is what's making me be able to hold it off, I'll accept it," Cirrus told him. He sighed and asked, "Why are you so scared to fight an angel?"

"I've never had to fight anyone before," She admitted. Ifrit scoffed, "There's no way. With how confrontational you are, I find it hard to believe you've never actually fought anyone."

"You know, that's called a wall," Cirrus said, "I may have immense confidence, but none of it is real. I'm terrified, like, all the time. But no one can know because I'm the badass the puts on an amazing show every ritual, the one who gets a chance to be center stage and play the keytar, I don't get to be scared."

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