Chapter Ninety-Two: Starting Again

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Today was the day of the first Ritual Ember would play with the band since she ended her hiatus. She was running around trying to find her mask, "Fuck, fuck, fuck, where is it?"

"Did you check the band room?" Sodo asked, helping her look. She huffed, "Of course, I checked the band room. That was where I remember leaving it. I haven't even touched it since I put it down in there, fuck, where is it? Copia's gonna kill me."

"Baby, I'm sure we will find it. It's gotta be somewhere inside the ministry. It's just gotta be," Sodo told her, looking under the bed, only finding Fenix's toys. He sighed getting off the ground, "Where else have you looked?"

"The common room, the van, the bus, I'm close to checking the-" Ember said, just to be cut off by Fenix walking in with the mask on his head, "Momma?"

"Oh, baby, you took momma's mask?" Ember asked softly. Sodo chuckled softly, "You didn't check with our son, did you?"

"I didn't think he was tall enough to grab it yet," Ember said, crouching in front of him, "Can momma have it please? I need it for tonight."

"I likes it," Fenix said. Ember sighed, not wanting to take it from him. She looked over at Sodo, who sighed, "I'm sure I have an extra one you can use."

"Thank you," Ember said. She stood up and held out her hand to Fenix, "Come on, baby, we gotta go now."

"No," Fenix whined, "Want daddy."

The young fire ghoul ran over to Sodo, hugging his legs, making Sodo chuckle again, "Give me your hand then, son. We gotta get going."

Fenix put his small hand in Sodo's, the family of three going down to the bus to go to the venue. Ember said, "Sorry we're late. Seem's Fenix liked mom's mask and decided to take it."

Sunshine laughed a little, holding Dew's hand, "I remember that moment."

Ember laughed, "Come on, let's get going."

Ember strapped Fenix into his cars eat, getting into the van, Sodo sitting down next to her, wrapping an arm around her shoulders while everyone else piled in. Everyone was talking about the show on the way to the venue, Phantom just being happy he could finally be affectionate with Aurora around everyone.

Once they arrived at the venue, they all got out, going inside. Ember put Fenix on the couch saying, "I'm gonna go get ready baby, stay here, okay?"

She went into the bathroom, changing into her clothes for the ritual. When she came back, Fenix was gone. Her heart started to race, just for Sodo to come out of his changing room and say, "Sunshine took him so we could get ready."

"Oh, thank Satan," Ember breathed, holding her chest, "I thought he ran off."

Sodo pressed a kiss to her head, "He's okay, baby."

He started to put his hair up into a low bun as he said, "She said that's why she came along. So she could watch the kids."

"Four kids? One of them being a year and a half? That seems like a lot," Ember said. Sodo chuckled, "You never know. You might end up the same way. With four kids."

"Knowing you, probably," Ember said, pulling her hair into a low bun. They soon put on their balaclava, making sure their mouths were covered, Sodo handing her his spare mask before putting his on. They walked out towards the stage together, Phantom crouching in front of Lang as they talked, Lang soon giving him a hug. She told him, "For good luck."

"Thank you, Blossom. Have fun, and behave, okay?" Phantom told her. She smiled and nodded, "Okay. By Phanty."

He smiled under his mask, standing up as she ran over to Sunshine. He walked over to the group, Swiss telling him, "I feel like she listens to you better than she listens to me or Mountain."

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