Chapter one - The travel

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Nezuko walked through the broken buildings of the entertainment district, she was in her berserk form after remembering a memory from daki blood demon art or her belt. As nezuko walked through the broken house, the area smelt like her blood but as nezuko walked she was transported by an unknown force. Thankfully it was night, Nezuko looked around before feeling danger only a few feet away from her. Nezuko starts to run her nose, picks up the smell of chard that was left from a fire or a crash. Nezuko kept running and hearing noises of struggling from a man. Nezuko kept running her demon speed came in handy, as nezuko came closer.

She saw a creature that looks like a vulture but had the body of a lion with the vulture beak, nezuko saw that a man in white and blue armor with cloth sides using his legs to hold the creature back as one of his hands holds the beak of this creature while the other one was held down by the creature which had claws on it. Nezuko saw another man on the ground who had armor but it was black only on his upper chest, shoulders, Cavs plus feet, and his hands plus forearms. He had brown hair with tan skin along with sky blue eyes with a scar next to his eye, nezuko could tell that this man was in an injured state.

Nezuko lunched out of the tall grass, tackling the creature off of the armored man, nezuko got up first while looking at the creature. Just for the looks of the creature she was able to tell these were opportunists probably hunted the weak so no fighting was involved. The creature charged at nezuko, nezuko brought up her leg and kicked the creature right in the head, sending it back into the chard ship or what remains of a ship.

Rex and Anakin were surprised but Anakin had fainted not too long when the women saved his Commander. Rex looked at the women he was surprised that she was able to take down that creature with ease not to mention the dominating aura coming off her and the pressure she was powerful indeed. Nezuko looked at the creature as it got up, nezuko charged forward and lifted her leg up into the air where she hit the head of the creature knocking it out cold on the soil of this planet. Nezuko turned around to see the man in armor getting the other man into the tent, nezuko walked over to them but stopped as she looked behind her.

Nezuko walks up to the creature before kicking it into the tall grass, she walks over to the tent where the men are at. Nezuko stops at the front of the tent to see the armor one laying down the other one, the armor one points a blaster at her. She puts her hands up. "Who are you?" He says and nezuko looks down before making letters with her arms. "N-E-Z-U-K-O. Nezuko that's your name?" He said, nezuko noded. "Names Rex, this is my general Anakin Skywalker. There are more people but they have gone to get help." Rex said and nezuko nod before going in the tent and sitting next to Anakin as he lay unconscious.

Nezuko gently put her hand to his cheek, nezuko felt Anakin move his head slightly into her hand. Nezuko saw her little brother in Anakin, rokuta. Nezuko eyes widened before she retracted her hand from his cheek, nezuko eyes turned to the long grass she got up and moved outside the tent before sitting down.

Rex looked at his general who was gravely injured but Rex didn't know much about this woman, all but her name. Rex understood her and why she was outside, she knew the threats of those creatures opposed to them and Anakin. Rex didn't get one thing and that was her appearance, she had a pink dress with patterns on it with white lining on the bottom and a checkered belt which was red and white but she had pink eyes that were cat-like, Vine like patterns all over her that were red and green, she had a horn growing out of her forehead with a cracked like pattern extending from her eye that was only one eye the left one.

After a long night Nezuko stood up and growled at the long grass not knowing that she was standing in sunlight unharmed from the raise. "Nezuko you can see them." Rex asked and nezuko noded, Rex and Anakin were talking but she didn't hear them she was focused on the creatures. Rex and Anakin were standing beside her well Anakin was using Rex as support but thankfully as the creatures took their charge Rex got a shot on one killing it instantly.

Both Rex and Anakin jumped out of the way but nezuko stood there as the creature ran into her she grabbed its mane-like area and pushed back, it was a fight of strength. Nezuko heard other people but she ignored them as she spun around with the creature, she let out a growl as she let go and kicked the creature away form her, a monkey looking thing ran past her and wrapped a rope around the creature. Nezuko instantly knew what he was going to do, she grabbed the rope with the monkey and pulled on it making the creature fall.

The monkey ran forward and wrapped its front feet, same with the Beak. "Good work little guy." The girl said nezuko looked over to Anakin as another clone helped him, she walked towards Anakin. Nezuko could tell that Anakin and this girl were close but that's when nezuko noticed something on Anakin she got closer and got down looking at Anakin, she moved hair out of the way and saw a little scratch. It was probably from the Dodge. Nezuko thought as she looked at the girl, the monkey was now examining Anakin. "I can heal you right up." The monkey said, nezuko looked at Rex before she picked up Anakin with ease.

Ashoka was shocked that the woman picked up Anakin with ease, not to mention that she was able to fight off that creature with ease. She look at Rex. "that's nezuko, she save me form the creatures last night." Rex said and Ashoka eyes widen for someone to fight off that creature by their self is beyond incredible.


- the scene where nezuko saw Anakin as her little brother was inspired buy lady Tamayo scene form the anime

- Jedi Knight Aayla secura was suspicious that nezuko was a Sith but after hearing Rex report on her, those suspicious changed.

- when Anakin woke up nezuko was sitting beside him watching him with Ashoka buy her side.

- Ashoka is suspicious about how nezuko is so strong and her appearance.

- Rex believes that nezuko not with the separatists.

- Bly is on the same boat as Rex.

- nezuko blood demon art only affects droids which she found out when protecting the lurmen form the droids and super wepons. Anakin had falied to take out the separatists new toy and it lunch, Anakin tooked down the rest but knew he couldn't make it back in time but that's when nezuko looked up and saw the shell coming. Nezuko waited before reaching up her hand and using we blood demon art as a shield from the shell which her blood also got on the droids burning them too. Let's just say everyone was surprised that nezuko could do this.

nezuko in Star wars: clone warsWhere stories live. Discover now