Chapter 3 - his dark secret

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After the meeting with the Jedi council nezuko heads to Anakin room to read the book she found on the ship only a short while ago, As nezuko reads the book she learns something that not even Obi Wan knew about Anakin... Nezuko is now more protective of Anakin.

TW: slavery, rape

Nezuko sat in the bed reading the book she had from Anakin room in the ship, she opened the book as she read the first sentence.

Obi Wan told me that I should keep I journal or something to keep my emotions in check and thoughts so right down everything I need to get off my chest in here, to start I don't feel like I'm the right Jedi I am still a Padawan to Obi Wan but his lectures make me feel useless some times but he does say that it is for the better so I learn, heh says the one that I need to save.

Nezuko giggled that the last sentence that's why they are like brothers, nezuko filled to the second page but then she had the sudden urge to flip to the 10th page, was this the force? Nezuko flipped to the tenth page before light reading over it before two words stood out to her 'rape' and 'slavery' she looked around the room to make sure that she was not being watch or listened, she looked down at the 'slavery' section first.

Slavers are so disgusting in every way, for the first 9 years of my life I was in slavery no matter what same with my mom but now the subject just makes me mad knowing that no one's going to help them no matter what, I really want to help them I do but the war is taken up all my time and I have no time at all to research the things I need to help those out in the outer rim and slavery but the worst thing is that I have whipped scars on my back whenever I would show pain watto would call one of his thugs over and they would whip me into my back bleed I still have the scars they keep reminding me of why I became a Jedi and I feel so helpless not to mention we had barely any food on the table most nights but my mom would always let me first she would always have the scraps. I really needed that off my chest I'm really glad Obi-Wan gave me this idea.

Nezuko eyes widen in shock, how could the Jedi allow this and form what nezuko read he never told anyone about the whip scars but she did have a feeling that they seen them before and he just said they were scars from a mission, nezuko looked at the page that said 'rape' in the first sentence, what did that mean?

I can't believe I'm writing this down in this journal, but I never told anyone that I had a master for a short while she was cruel and unforgiving she was close to the hut clan so I'm not surprised but the way she made money off me it's still traumatizes me to this day, I only told Padme about this cuz she was my wife and she deserved to know that when I was around the ages 6-7 she used me to gain credits every day someone would come in and look at me before giving her credits, they raped me. I tried so hard to fight be they over powered me everyday I would have scars, hickeys, bruises, bit marks and so much more.

My whole body hurt and everytime I would cry my eyes out but that only gave them pleasure to see me cry and everyday I was sore I was limping and my body couldn't handle it, I still have nightmares about it, I talked to Yoda about it then say what it was about though just said it was about a loved one I knew he said they would pass in time but they're never going to I did a test with padme's, secretly away from the Jedi order and it came back that I have post-traumatic disorder or PTSD, the doctor said I would most likely not get over it and said be careful of where you go certain places might cause memories to come flow and back to you and I've been trying to stay away from Tatooine but the council has sent us on a mission it won't be for a while though it'll only be after we save aalya but I'm scared of going back there and my master plus the men I command will notice hopefully she won't be there when I get there.

Update: I'm writing this a few hours before we land but we found a girl by the name of nezuko from the reports that Rex gave and I saw she's indeed powerful but for some reason I feel safe around her, for example I don't feel safe around many Jedi female, it's only a small amount that I feel safe with but when I woke up and saw her her pink eyes just calmed me down I don't know what it is about her but it's almost like she came here for me and me alone.

Nezuko smiled before the smile was turned into anger, it was most likely that she would go with them to Tatooine and when she found out the person who did this to Anakin they would pay severely. Nezuko wasn't a very violent person but when it came to her family it was a whole other story. Nezuko place the book down on the bed before grabbing some powder that she had ground up during the flight along with some makeshift glue she put the glue around in a swirly pattern and put the powder on it she hoped that Anakin would like it but for now until they go to Tatooine nezuko  had some planning to do.


- the force indicated to Anakin that nezuko wasn't a woman to be afraid of.

- after Anakin was raped blood would be dripping down his legs. (Fake penis mostly females raped him)

- nezuko after heading out of Anakin's room, went to Rex and just pointed to his gun Rex knew that she wanted a gun, he didn't question.

- the few Jedi females that Anakin isn't scared of is Luminara, shannk it, Ashoka, aalya and the librarian.

- The Jedi council did give them a mission to go to Tatooine, Obi Wan saw nezuko evil smile but he just ignore it say to him say that it was a figment of his imagination.

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