Chapter 6 - Anakin dream

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Anakin is now a demon, Ahsoka and Obi Wan are shocked at this, nezuko tells Anakin Skywalker everything she knows about demons.

Anakin looked at Nezuko who was sitting beside him, it had been 5 minutes since Anakin woke up and became a demon. Nezuko place a hand on his shoulder before speaking. "Anakin I will tell you all you need to know about demons." Nezuko said her speech now perfect, Anakin nods before nezuko spoke up again. "First off demon are weak to three things but one of those don't apply to us and that is the sun. Most demons will burn in the sun but we won't and I don't know why. Second is wisteria, it's a poison used for demons shinobu uses it but I don't know if it will affect you or not. Third is nichirin swords that demon Slayers weld." Nezuko said before she waited for Anakin to absorb the information.

Anakin hums before looking at nezuko for her to continue. "There are 12 demons who work directly under muzan the demon king but six of them have been eliminated, and only the upper 6 remain. I am as powerful as upper moom 5 but I don't know how powerful you are. Considering that your Jedi and you can use the force it's difficult to tell but-." Nezuko was about to continue when she realized Anakin's eyes there was a number and his eyes and it said 'upper two'. "Nezuko what's wrong?" Anakin asked as nezuko blinked. "Your eyes say upper moon 2, so you are as powerful as upper moon 2." Anakin noded before him and nezuko went to his room, after a long day of fighting and his transformation Anakin was tried.

Anakin walked through the Jedi Temple with his demon traits hidden It was surprising that Anakin picked up on me so fast even though he hadn't even do it before since he wasn't a demon. Anakin walked into his room and almost immediately noticed a presence in his room, he looked around before the presence was gone. Anakin brows furrowed in confusion what was that or what was it? Was it something or someone? Anakin layed down on his bed before closing his eyes.

Darkness was all you could see for miles on end but Anakin looked around but no light could be seen except for a little ball of blue light, then a green one, then a red one, then every color of a ball appear in the darkness Anakin looked at them before he heard voices.

"Anakin Skywalker this is Obi Wan Kenobi."

"I love you ani."

"The Council has giving me permission to train you."


"You have done well Anakin I am proud of you."

"Fear is the path to the dark side... Fear leads to anger... Anger leads to hate... Hate leads to suffering..."

Anakin eyes widen the voice were if qui gon, his mother before she died, Obi Wan when he was going to train him, a voice full of hate and anger but he recognize it, Chancellor Palpatine, and Yoda. Anakin listen to all the voice before one spoke out.


It was nezuko voice, Anakin start to run towards the voice of nezuko before he feel into a pit of black and white and soon nothing...


- Anakin dream was based around his blood demon art with will be shown in the next chapter...

- The voices are important to Anakin in some way shape or form, the reason Anakin didn't hear Ahsoka voice is that he didn't want to see Ahsoka or his men after the ordeal

- Anakin was asleep for 2 hours but nezuko explain some stuff off sence and that took them to coruscant

- the presence Anakin felt in his room was someone a very powerful, with with a very calm demeanor but yet powerful.

nezuko in Star wars: clone warsWhere stories live. Discover now