Chapter 5 - his death?

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With shinobu and giyu trying to kill nezuko with Rex, Cody, Anakin, Obi Wan, and Ashoka they do something dareing but Anakin gets in the way, but nezuko does something unthinkable.

Anakin looked at the two people infornt of him then he looked back at nezuko. They were both coughing trying to catch their breath after Anakin force chocked them, shinobu looked up she had to take down that man but his firends we're here. Shinobu got up and looked at the man before she stood up and aimed her sword as nezuko, the poison on her sword would kill nezuko but that man will be difficult to get around. Shinobu looked at giyu before noding. "First Form: Water Surface Slash" giyu said as he ran twords Anakin and nezuko, Anakin eyes widen before he throws nezuko out of the way as giyu Slash's his chest but it wasn't deep. "Dance of the Centipede: Hundred-Legged Zigzag." Shinobu said as Anakin react first and got stab right in the neck protecting nezuko, nezuko looked at Anakin before her eyes widen.

Anakin smiled before falling the side breathing fast and shallow, giyu had aimed for Anakin lung before shinobu attack her. Obi Wan and Ahsoka rushed fword at giyu and shinobu taking them off guard, Ahsoka aimed for shinobu sword which she slashed only bit, giyu was surprised that Obi Wan hit his leg before slicing his sword in half with on clear swipe. Nezuko looked at Kix as he worked. "Kix, will he live?" Rex siad as he shoot at giyu and shinobu. "No." Kix siad in a sad tone. Nezuko looked at Anakin as nezuko looked at her hand she truned into her awaken form before bitting down on her hand causing blood to drop down. "Nezuko?" Kix asked before she dripped blood into Anakin wounds, kix looked at nezuko as Anakin's body started to shake violently as kix's looks at nezuko. she palace a hand on Anakin cheek before nezuko was stabed by shinobu who took down Ahsoka. Kix caught nezuko before she fell on Anakin, after that they retreated back to the ship.

"Kix how is Anakin and nezuko?" Obi Wan asked as Kix looked down at both of them. "Stable for now." Obi Wan noded before walking away, Ahsoka had woken up a hour ago. "Who is my master and nezuko?" Ahsoka asked and Obi Wan looked at her. "They are stable, for now." Ahsoka looked down before Obi Wan headed out of the room. Kix looked at nezuko and Anakin by his calculations they should wake up in 2 hours but something was happening to Anakin, his wounds had healed by their self.

- 2 hours later -

Anakin woke up his body was in pain, he was hungry for... Human flesh? Anakin got up at looked at a injured, clone it was Cody. Anakin teeth start to cladder together as he tried to resist his urge to consuming flesh but it wasn't enough, Anakin body moved on its own as he was about to lunch himself at Cody Ahsoka and Obi Wan came though the door, Anakin turned to them... Their eyes were widen as they looked at Anakin. "Master, what happened to you?" "Anakin." Ahsoka and Obi Wan siad as Anakin got up and walked twords them, Anakin noticed that his head and back felt heavy he stop and brought a hand to his head and back, his eyes widen...

He felt horns and wings.

What happened to him?

The last thing he remembered was nezuko giving him some of her blood.

"It worked." Nezuko said as she was standing there with a smile on her face, Anakin looked at nezuko before feel felt a pull to nezuko most like his body wanted to bow to her. "Nezuko, what did you do to Anakin?" Obi Wan asked as nezuko looked down.

"I made him... A demon like... Me." Nezuko said as Anakin feel back with Obi Wan catching him.

What was happening? Nezuko looked at Anakin she thought that muzan was the only one able to trun humans into demons but here was Anakin. A demon of her creation.

nezuko in Star wars: clone warsWhere stories live. Discover now