The fight

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Obi Wan and Master Yoda made their way to the Chancellor office where they felt the dark side and young Skywalker plus young nezuko, Obi Wan was worried to say the least and same with yoda but he didn't show it but Obi Wan was also very interested on how they found the Sith Lord before them, Obi wan mind kept wondering to when he was captured by Dooku on geonosis before the clone wars began. Dooku said that a Sith Lord was in control of the Senate— Obi Wan looked at Master Yoda. "Master Yoda do you think that the Chancellor is the Sith lord?" Obi Wan asked yoda and yoda sighed. "Long time he has. Sith Lord the Chancellor is." Obi Wan eyes widen. "Dooku was telling the truth." Obi Wan whispered before his mind Wonder to how Anakin and nezuko found out about the Chancellor being the Sith Lord before them.

Anakin blocked another fast attack form Darth sidious, nezuko though a strong kick to sidious side breaking his ribs with aloud crunch. Sidious winced in pain form the kick, Anakin summoned his wings, he used his wings to blow large amounts of wind in each flap, sidious tried to keep his balance but he couldn't with nezuko attacking him with brutal kicks and punches— Anakin saw an opening, Anakin throw his lightsaber at sidious with all his demon strength but sidious blocked it but hadn't sensed nezuko aiming a kick at his head— Anakin had just been a distraction so nezuko could land the final blow to him or so he thought, sidious felt the kick hit his head but Anakin punched his arm though sidious back with a loud blood and guts being squished like a squishy being squeezed than let go filling up with air.

Sidious coughed up blood as Anakin used the force to call back his lightsaber and cut off sidious head with one swipe of his arm, sidious head fell on to the ground and rolled away, nezuko blasted sidious body with her blood demon art leaving only ashes were sidious body once laid with a smile on Anakin face, his demon fangs showing. "We did it." Nezuko siad and hugged Anakin, Anakin hugged her back before a blue white portal opened up. Anakin and nezuko looked at the portal. "I guess you need to go back to your universe." Anakin said pulling back form nezuko, nezuko noded. "I guess this is goodbye." Nezuko said her sad eyes looking at Anakin. "Yes but I have a deep feeling that we will meet again." Anakin said patting nezuko head. "I will remember you nezuko." "Same, Anakin." Nezuko walked twords the portal before looking over her shoulder. "Have a nice family Anakin with Padme." Nezuko said as she walked though the portal with it closeing Behide her. Anakin eyes widened before he smiled. "So you knew, nezuko." Anakin whispered before Obi Wan and yoda came running in.

"Anakin are you okay!?" Obi Wan ran over to him and Anakin noded. "Yes I am fine thanks to nezuko." Anakin Siad with a smile his demon traits hidden now since the carmras were up now. "Young Skywalker, nezuko who is they, mmm?" Yoda asked and Anakin looked down at yoda. He was confused, why did they not know nezuko? Anakin brows furrowed before he came into a realization... What ever brought nezuko here must have erased everyone memory besides him. Anakin eyes widen in shock after moments... If everyone had forgotten nezuko could it be the same for the others? Anakin eyes sadden before he sighed.

"No one." He siad crossing his arms looking at the ash body of sidious. "General kenboi!" Rex siad over Obi Wan comlink. "Yes, rex?" Obi Wan respond to him. "We have recovered the camera footage form the Chancellor office." Obi Wan looked at Master Yoda. "We will be there shortly." Obi Wan siad before him and master Yoda left Anakin in sidious office.

*Few hours later*

Anakin layed back on the bed of Padme apartment, why did the Jedi not believe him that Palpatine was the Sith Lord? Anakin took a deep breath in before letting it out. "Master why don't you believe me?" Anakin mutter under his breath before sitting up. Anakin put his head in his hands— the Jedi council was figuring out what to do with Anakin since the carmra footage was showing Anakin attacking Darth sidious without any reason and it just cut to him cutting his head off without the fight... Something wasn't right. Anakin heard footsteps outside the bedroom, he looked up at the person... It was fox.

"General Skywalker, the council has made the decision in a 10 for guilty and 2 for innocent... You will be executed by your master Obi Wan Kenobi with my troopers at dawn tomorrow." Anakin looked at fox and his troopers before laughing sadistically. "They think they know everything!" Anakin through his hands up above his hand "The Jedi council are a bunch of idiots! They could never see the ture intentions of him... Why do I even brought trying to fight for my innocent when all they do is just... THROW IT AWAY!" The room shook finally as Anakin yelled, fox lost his balance with some of his troops shocked about how powerful Skywalker real was.

Fox shoot a stun blast but it stop before it hit Anakin, the stun shot complete dissolve as Anakin fell back on to the bed, with a hand over his forehead laughing sadistically. After the room stop shaking, every troop was panting heavy. Fox got up and looked at Skywalker. "Fox, I want you to deliver a message to the Jedi council before I 'die'." Fox nodded as Anakin sat up and removed his hand form his forehead showing his sith eyes. "Tell the council that they will also be blind to the real troubles outside of the Republic." Fox shutter as Anakin Siad that, but he agreed with Anakin in that even thought he was loyal to the Republic there are some thing you can't ignore.

Anakin watched fox leave with his men, he sighed... Why did he use the darkside but it didn't feel like that darkside it felt like the force itself no light or dark. Anakin ran his fingers though his brown hair that was dark yet not black like he was in his demon form. Anakin looked at his hand in the dark, 6 more hours until he "dies" by his brother well ex-brother, Anakin knew that Obi Wan vote against him while yoda and maybe shank IT vote for his innocences.

*6 hours later*

Anakin walked up into the firing platform, Anakin had force blocker handcuffs on, everyone was watching him go up on to the platform. All the Jedi were giving him disappointed looks, but he didn't care they were the real criminals here. He looked at Ahsoka she wasn't even on his side, how bright— Anakin stood in the middle as the firing squad got into there position, Obi Wan was holding back Padme... Which was nice since he wasn't executing him now... Anakin closed his eyes as he hear the word fire, he opened his eyes as he felt the shoot hit him right in the chest, he didn't flinch one bit.

Anakin felt 10 or 11 more shots at his chest before he only looked at the people who he thought were his friends, Anakin only glared at them as his chest healed. Everyone eyes widen in shock, Anakin looked at Ahsoka. Before teleporting right infornt of her and breaking two if her fingers, Ahsoka screamed in pain.

"Why are you even my Padawan?" Anakin Siad his voice full of venom. Anakin broke the cuffs with easy before a portal showed up, it was the same portal that nezuko took. Anakin walked towards the portal and entered it with.

Ahsoka was breathing Heavy, as she looked at her fingers the were completely broken backwards.

Anakin wasn't anywhere to be seen when Ahsoka looked up, Ahsoka was taken to the medical wing of the Jedi Temple.

Anakin was now in for a whole new adventure of him finding his ture self...

May the 4 be with you!

Book 2 coming out!

nezuko in Star wars: clone warsWhere stories live. Discover now