anakins emergence

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Ahsoka and nezuko were sitting in Anakin's room, Obi Wan was dealing with the council. Nezuko looked at Anakin... he had emerged from his cocoon only 2 hours ago, nezuko kept looking at the Togruta she was worried about her master, nezuko was also worried too. Anakin's chest went up and down, nezuko looked at Anakin's new appearances and he had pure black horns coming out of his brown hair, black with white tipped wings. An hour ago douma, akaza, kokushibou and giyu along with the rest of the demon crop disappeared without a Trace.

Nezuko thought that they ended up here by accident when she didn't, so what even sent nezuko into this universe about a month ago sent them back, Ahsoka had a feeling that they didn't have their memories from when they were here. Nezuko looked at Anakin again he hadn't changed a bit since he got out of his cocoon.

Anakin looked around at all the dead bodies of jedi that he had slaughtered, the younglings too. "Will this happen?" He asked a black figure. "Yes it will but I can show you who the Sith Lord is." The black figure said before walking closer to Anakin. "Know this, you are going to be hurt by what you see." The black figure warned Anakin and outstretched its hand to Anakin. Anakin reached out to grad the black figure hand but stopped, did he really want to know this? Did he really want to be hurt? Yet again this was his purpose to bring balance to the force— he took the black figure hand.

The black figure nodded its head before they were warped into a very familiar office... Anakin's eyes widened, it was the supreme Chancellor's office, he looked around and saw Chancellor Palpatine... His eyes were Sith golden yellow, anakins heart dropped, his mentor was a Sith Lord!? He looked down at the ground before he started to pant before looking and noticing red glowing things within the statues... Sith holocrons and two Sith lightsabers. Anakin fell to his knees. "How could we not sense the dark side?" Anakin asked the back figure who was standing next to him. "When the Jedi built the temple they did it on a dark side ripple (not the actual name for it but I am making now simple) that Darth sidious aka Palpatine, used to cloud the Jedi judgment in the force." The black figure explained. "The more time past the stronger the ripple got..." The figure finished.

Anakin couldn't believe it, he thought the Jedi were powerful but palatine was on a whole other level than Mabey for the other Jedi but not him. "I will kill him and bring peace to the force." Anakin Siad before looking down. "Anakin you were the most powerful Jedi even when you were brought into the order." Anakin's eyes widened and looked at the figure. "You let yourself feel anger when your mother died but you went into a blind rage and killed all the Tustin raiders but you felt guilty after, that's not how sith feels after they are killed. You let yourself feel love for Padme and get married to her." The figure said and let the words sink into Anakin.

"You're right, maybe after I kill him, I can convince the Jedi to change." He said before smiling at the figure. "Let the force guide you don't force it against its will." The figure said before Anakin started to wake up.

Ahsoka was so glad that her master awoken, nezuko was also happy. When Anakin felt into the force he felt that he needed nezuko for taking down Darth sidious but he knew he couldn't let anyone know about his plans. Once Ahsoka left to help Obi Wan with a report, Anakin looked up at nezuko. "Nezuko." Anakin's eyes looked with nezuko as he spoke. "I need your help." Nezuko looked at him question before nodding. "I need your help to take down, the Sith Lord." He siad and nezuko eyes widen. "Why me and not any other Jedi?" Nezuko asked pointing at herself.

"Because the force wants you to help me, I don't know how to explain it but... When I was knocked out for the 2 hours I saw the possible future if I don't take him down." Anakin gripped his biceps as he explained. "Who is the Sith Lord?" Nezuko crossed her arms as Anakin took a beep breath in. "The Chancellor is the Sith Lord." Nezuko eyes widened a bit before she nodded her head. "I will help you, so what's the plan?" Nezuko asked and Anakin looked up before expanding his plan to her.

Anakin and Nezuko walked to Palpatine office with a stride in their step, as anakin entered with nezuko Palpatine greeted them. "Anakin my boy!" Anakin hid his disgust and just smiled back with a fake smile same with nezuko. "How have you been!" Anakin held back a snarl when Palpatine put a hand on his shoulder. "I have been good exactly." Anakin said hiding the venom from his tone, he and nezuko had hid their demon traits before they got into the office.

Palpatine sits at his desk in her chair looking at Anakin with a smile that was fake, nezuko looked at her comlink that Anakin gave her. Only a few more minutes, Anakin she thought, there were cameras all around the office so Anakin sent r2 to disable them but it would take time, nezuko was looking at the statues of Palpatine's office, her pink eyes memorize every detail for the Anakin plan, if Anakin was right— Palpatine has two lightsabers, one he keeps on his person and other in a statue. Nezuko looked at Anakin and nodded as her com link beeped indicating that r2 had disabled the cameras, now they had about 30 minutes tops to finish the fight with Palpatine. Anakin hummed before activating his lightsaber with a hum.

"Palpatine or should I say Darth sidious, I am going to kill you..." Anakin said his voice was darker than the night sky itself. Palatine eyes widened in shock, he didn't account for this at all in his grand plan to destroy the Jedi. Palpatine's eyes turned to anger, all his plans were ruined because of this girl... He slid his red light saber down to his hand before activating it. Nezuko turned into her full form and growled at Palpatine, this starting of the fight sent ripples through the force itself.

Obi Wan was in his room meditating when he felt a huge rush of dark side energy, his body jerk with surprise. Obi Wan eyes widen as he felt Anakin and nezuko present getting ready to fight... A Sith. "Anakin." Obi Wan spoke before running to Master Yoda who also sensed the fight that was about to start.

nezuko in Star wars: clone warsWhere stories live. Discover now