Anakin acceptance

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Anakin felt himself being drowned by the black substance, every cell felt like it was on fire, he tried to scream out but couldn't... His body start to go numb, his head felt light... His eyes shot open only to feel like they were on fire... Anakin couldn't breath his lungs where yelling at him to take a breath, when Anakin finally took a breath his lungs filled up with the black substance, Anakin eyes closed as the balck spread though out his entire body. He couldn't wake up and he couldn't feel anything.

Nezuko rushed to he Medical wing, with Obi Wan and Ahsoka they had just gotten word that Anakin vital signs has drop dramatically over a minute, the others where there when they arrived. "How Anakin giyu?" Nezuko asked out of breath, giyu looked at her before pointing to the window were Anakin was being held down by doctors. "Just before you got here Anakin started having a seizure." Douma siad to nezuko before Ahsoka ran up to the glass and looked at her master. "Anakin couldn't never have a seizure, he is so healthy..." Ahsoka siad as she looked down, her hand placed on the glass. "I don't think... This is a normal... Seizure." Kokushibou siad his voice was low and Obi Wan looked at him with the others. "Why do you think that?" Obi Wan asked and Kokushibou ponit to anakin nose where blood was coming form. "His blood it's... Black." Ahsoka siad with wide eyes, everyone was shocked before giyu had a hypothesis.

"What if Anakin is going under a major transformation and his body can't keep up?" Nezuko look at giyu before nodding her head in agreement.

Anakin woke up in a place that was completely dark but he could see around him he got up and brushed his fingers though his hair. Anakin looked around before he saw a figure outline in white, he waked over to the figure before long he make out its accessories, the figure looks like him but with longer hair, it had horns that popped out of its head and wings and sprouted out of its back, the figure turned its head to Anakin, its eyes were completely White with black writing in them the same as with the upper moons in their eyes. Anakin took a step back in shock, the figure opened its mouth before talking, it's voice was deep and rumbled like a volcano.

"You need me." It siad reaching out it's armed towards Anakin the same black substance dripping off of its body, Anakin looked at the figure he had so many questions running through his head but felt a connection to this figure, Anakin reached out his hand before drawing it back he didn't know if he could trust this figure. The figure spoke again with a voice of a god. "You need to take my hand or your body will not survive!" Anakin's eyes widened in shock, what did the figure mean by that? Anakin knew that if you did not act quickly he might not survive this without a second thought he grabbed the figures hand, the figure smiled before the black substance engulfed Anakin's body Anakin let it happen and did not fight it, the black substance felt safe warm and he felt like he did not need to survive or worry about anything while this was happening.

It had been a few hours since Anakin start having the seizure but the seizure had stopped a few minutes ago, everyone didn't know what was going on with Anakin but they were worried, about a minute after the seizure has stopped black goo had engulfed anakins body. No one knew what was happening to Anakin while he was in the goo, Ahsoka and Obi Wan we're afraid that they might lose a friend a brother a master when Anakin is in that black goo. The weird thing was is that the demon smelt a demon sent coming from inside which meant that Anakin's transformation had completed but they didn't know why the black goo was around him it almost seemed that there was a second process to the transformation, nezuko told Obi-Wan and Ahsoka not to worry because she had a strong feeling that Anakin was going to make it out alive.

Soon hours turned into a day the black goo had slowly started bubbling in and out the scientists of the Republic test the goo I found out that the goo wasn't just goo it had multiple other elements of compounds to it, that were deadly to humans but they tested some of the goo on nezuko, akaza, kokushibou, and Douma they found out that it wasn't deadly to them the conclusion that they came up with was that anakins body had to absorb the goo or it was some type of process that they did not understand either way the scientists believed that Anakin would wake up as soon as he was gone or at least up to an hour after it was gone.

Everyone was worried for Anakin even the Senate but something didn't make sense whenever nezuko got near the goo it would bubble up faster and faster and then would subside without any warning. Something was happening to Anakin and no one knew what or that is the case until Anakin wakes up from his transformation inside the goo.

nezuko in Star wars: clone warsWhere stories live. Discover now