A New Life

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When Izuku woke up the next day, he already had a bad feeling. It was one of those feelings when you feel like you know something's gonna happen. Something bad. It wasn't uncommon for Izuku to get these feelings. He was beat up a lot after all. 

He groaned as he got ready for school, ready for another day of discrimination. Of people hating him for no good reason. 

In just his first class, Bakugo tried to attack him. He walked up to him, cleary about to explode something, so, naturally, Izuku kicked his knees. His homework was on his desk, it could get ruined, his grades were already bad enough. 

The thing is, Izuku was smart, but it didn't matter how good his test scores were when 70% of his grade was based on homework and kids destroyed it whenever they had the chance. 

Of course, Bakugo was fuming at that, and jumped up and blasted Izuku. Luckily Izuku managed to cover his homework and blocked the explosion from hitting his face.

The teacher walked in, and even though they all knew the teacher wouldn't do anything to help, Bakugo went to his seat so he could take out his own homework. Bakugo's grades were perfect, and he didn't plan on messing them up. 

Izuku wished that bad feeling would have gone away by then, but it only got worse. 

At lunch, that's when it happened. 

He had rice, some chicken, and a carton of milk for lunch that day. He sat down at the empty lunch table like he always did. He realized he had forgotten to grab chopsticks, so he left his food unattended for just a single moment to get them. When he came back, he didn't think anything was wrong. 

He took a gulp from his milk carton, not realizing the many eyes on him, waiting. 

He felt something hard in the milk, and it went right down his throat. That's when he realized it wasn't just hard, but sharp as well. 

It was lodged in his throat, stabbing into the sides. 

He coughed and choked the pain increasing by the second. The students around him laughed and pointed at him. Like they knew that would happened...

Izuku choked as he started to cough blood. It pooled in his throat, but what ever was in there, was stuck. He panicked, not knowing what to do. 

He was dying... and the people around him laughed. Even the teachers snickered, not thinking it was really that serious, and not really caring anyways. 

Izuku didn't know what to do. He tried to calm himself and grabbed his chopsticks. He had to get this thing out of his throat. He pushed his chopsticks down his throat and around that hard thing, then tried to scoop it out.

It took many tries, and a lot of blood, but he got dislodged. He spit the pieces out and looked at them. 

It was broken glass shards.

Someone had put broken glass into his milk.

And everyone knew. 

"W-who did tt-this," he asked barely able to speak. His throat continued to bleed and he caughed, choking on it once again. 

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