Next Plans

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Almost everyone in the league was in the main room of the hideout. Aizawa, Toga, Twice, Big Sis Mag, Compress, Spinner, All for One, Shigaraki, Izuku, Shinso, Todoroki, and Dabi were there. Izuku had called them there to discuss further plans. 

"Before I start, is there anything anyone else would like to say?" Izuku said, leaning back on the bar counter. He was using a rag to get blood off his hands, since he had just returned from his 'talk' with Bakugo. 

"I have a question," Shinso said. "Should we announce that we betrayed UA? Cause that would shut them down, but I don't know if that's your goal. Everyone still just thinks we were kidnapped." 

"That will be your choice, and is one of the topics of this discussion. First of all, the heroes are getting close to finding us. They won't stop looking until we do, so I say we set up a fake base to lure the heroes there, then give Bakugo back and take out as many as we can." 

"Wait, why give Bakugo back? I thought you wanted to get revenge on him?" Shinso asked.

"It's simple. I've broken his mind for the most part, the only thing that could break it more would be to show everyone he knows just how weak he really is. Then later, when he thinks he's safe again, I'll just kidnap him again. But anyways, whats your plan? We do want to take down UA, but if you don't want people to know yet, that's fine. If you want to go back to UA to spy, you can't just go back looking perfectly fine."

Shinso thought while Todoroki spoke up. "I can go back. As long as they keep the dorm system in place, I'm safe from my father. I'll be able to get information from other heroes that way."

"I think I'll go back as well. The more we have there collecting information, the better. Plus, my quirk will help us get out if either of us gets caught." Shinso said.

"What about you, Aizawa? Are you gonna go back to teach? I'd recommend it, since when their reveal does come up, it'll be more devastating to the school's reputation if you all reveal at the same time."

"I agree. A school festival will be coming up in a few months after everyone's hero work studies, I think we should do the reveal during that. Civilians and reporters will be there, so all the destruction will be on camera for the public to see," Aizawa said, grinning at that last part.

Izuku grinned as well. "Perfect. If we're doing work studies, then I think I might go back as well. If I leave here saying I never wanna go back, it'll only increase their trust in me. That'll be three heroes we'll get personal info on."

"Izuku, are you sure you can go back, you don't have to-"

"I'm fine, Tomura. Bakugo will no longer be a problem for me because of his mental state."

"This is a great plan and all, but Bakugo is still a problem. He knows you four are villains. He doesn't seem the type to keep his mouth shut," Spinner said.

Izuku smirked and waved his hand. "That's easy. I can threaten him. He's already been acting weird around me, plus those three are known for being heroic, it'll be their word against his. Besides, who would believe Aizawa would be a villain?"

People in the room looked unconvinced, but they didn't argue. "Just trust me, I know him. He won't tell a soul after I visit him again."

Bakugo had passed out almost right away went Izuku left. He was too afraid to sleep the first few days of being there, so of course he was exhausted. Midoriya was true to his word, and did raise the temperature of the room. It wasn't nearly enough to make him sweat, but it was enough so he wouldn't freeze.

When he woke up, he looked at the crowbar in his room. He looked around, trying to find Izuku, but he was nowhere to be seen.

"He left this in here..." he muttered to himself. He picked it up, despite the cold metal hurting his hands.

The next time he came in the room, he was going to hit him. He was going to hurt him. He shakily stood up, having just enough strength to do so.

"I'll hide behind the door, then when he walks in, I'll get behind him and hit him right in the head. Hopefully he'll be knocked unconscious and I'll be able to get out..." He limped over to the door, and stood at the left side of it, where the door opens from so he'll be able to hide behind it. He would be able to get out!

His breathe was shaking and his legs wobbled, but he held the crowbar tight.

"Todoroki," Izuku said, passing by him in the hallway. "Are you free right now?"


"Good, come with me," Izuku said opening the door to the basement. "I purposely left my crowbar in his room to test him. If he's standing by the door to try and attack me, could you burn him? I'd do it myself, but I'll need you to convince him you really did switch to my team. I told him but he didn't believe me. If he thinks only me and Shinso are villains, he'll be more likely to blab." 

"Yeah, I can. You really thought this out, huh?" 

"I guess." 

"You guess? You're a genius. You've thought of everything and it'll only been a couple days." 

"Well, it was weeks of planning and researching for the author."


"We're here." 

Midoriya was stopped at a metal door. He took out a key from his pocket, and inserted it into the lock. "Ready?" He asked in a low voice. Todoroki nodded. 

Izuku opened the door and quickly stepped into the room a few steps.

Bakugo heard the click of the lock on the door. He tightened his grip and pressed his body against the wall. He saw the door swing open towards him, and he heard the steps of Izuku. 

He kept his eyes on Izuku's back as he stepped quietly behind him and lifted the crowbar above his head. 

Izuku smiled as he could practically feel the pressure of Bakugo's fear behind him. He was a fool, keeping his eyes only on Izuku, and assuming he was alone. 

Bakugo was about to sent the weapon crashing down on Izuku's head, so he tighted and grip and-

"AAAAAAAGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" He dropped the crowbar and fell to his knees when he felt the burning pain on the back of his neck. He could hear the sizzle of his own skin. It felt extra hot because of how cold he's been. 

He breathed heavily as he held his hands on the burn. He turned his head to look at Izuku with his teary eyes, but he wasn't even looking at him yet. Izuku cocked his head so Bakugo could see a portion of it with a cocky smirk. 

"You really thought you could overpower me?" He turned to him and kneelt down so he was almost eye-level with him. He grabbed his chin and forced Bakugo to look into his eyes. "You thought I wouldn't predict your exact plan?"

Bakugo turned his head away as he let his tears fall. Izuku, the one he had deemed weak for so long, had beat him again. Without lifting a finger. 

"Not so cocky and egotistical now, are we?"

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