The Mud Creatures and the Monster

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Todoroki and Shinso were hanging out with Izuku in his room. They were just chilling. 

"You're room is kinda boring." 

"I know. My room at the League's base is much better, but I don't feel like putting in the time or effort to decorate this one." 

Izuku was just barely hinting that he wasn't going to stay much longer. Todoroki and Shinso knew it, but they didn't want to say anything. 

"You guys have always asked questions about me... but I have a question for both of you.

Would you like to join the League of Villains?" 

Shinso and Todoroki glanced at each other. They didn't know what to say to that. They didn't like society and how it was now, but could they really kill people?

"You don't have to answer now. I just want you to think about it. I mean, I'm sure after spending this much time with me you've figured out that I don't ever plan on leaving the League. 

I just wanna say that killing people isn't nearly as scary or hard as it sounds. Especially for people like us, who are just dead inside. It's difficult at first, sure, but you get used to it pretty quickly." 

"I don't know... as much as I hate my father, there's still my mom, and my siblings..." 

Shinso stayed quiet. He loved the idea of being able to kill his old bullies. 

"Like I said, you don't have to answer now. Just think about it, for now, let's just talk about something else, I didn't mean to bring the mood down." 

All of class 1-A plus Shinso was on the bus, they were driving to the camp. Izuku was watching Shinso play a game on his phone, since he didn't have anything better to do. Aizawa had said it was going to be a long ride. 

After two hours of being on the bus, it stopped. They all got out, and they were on the side of a cliff, overlooking a huge forest. 

"HI! We're the Wild, Wild Pussy Cats!" a girl shouted. She had just gotten out of a car. A young boy walked out of the car behind them. 

"I'm Madalay!"

"And I'm Pixie Bob! We're gonna be helping you train this week!" 

Izuku looked around them. They weren't anywhere near the cabins. The were on the edge of a cliff, and Pixie Bob's quirk could control earth. He groaned, already know what was going to happen as the rest of class 1-A started to piece it together. 

"This doesn't look like camp..."

"Haha... let's get back on the bus.." 

The class was about to get back on the bus, but the ground underneath them tilted and moved. Then they were shoved off the cliff, crashing into the forest. 

Just as they were standing up, giant mud monsters rose from the ground, getting ready to attack. 

Izuku glanced at Bakugo. He had the stupid smile on his face with sparks flying from his hands. He always loved to fight. 

He loved to hurt others. 

Izuku didn't want to fight the mud monsters. No, he wanted to fight someone he hadn't fought in a long time. Someone who had been pretending didn't exsist for the past few weeks. 

Before Bakugo could launch into the air to fight with everyone else, Izuku tackled him until they were both behind bushes and trees. The rest of the class didn't notice, they were too busy fighting the mud creatures. 

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