Villain Name

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In the days Izuku was waiting for his suit to be made, he studied poison. He learned how to make different types, antidotes for each one, and so on. He learned how to make poisonous gas, liquid, and lethal doses. He learned everything he'd ever need to know. He designed and wrote formulas for his own poisons. He created poison that could kill you, put you through pain, put you to sleep, make you sick, make you hallucinate and more. 

He practiced making the poisons and tested them out on random people he kidnapped to make sure they worked. He went through trial and error until he perfected each one by the time his outfit was ready. 

All for One brought it to his room then left him be so he could try it on. 

Because of Izuku's exact measurements he wrote in, the suit fit perfectly. The material was stretchy, fire-proof and comfortable. Most parts had bullet-proof padding to help protect him. 

The arm band was perfect and blended right in with the fabric when it was off. The tubes were attached to each finger in both hands other than his thumbs. He decided to call them his finger guns. 

Each tube for each finger conected to a different, tiny, removable compartment on his wrist. He could fill each one with whatever he wanted so each finger could shoot something different. 

He immediately tested out the drone first. Just like he drew, the drone was hidden away next to the arm band. He turned it on and used the controls to make it fly into the air. It was about the size of his palm when it was flying, and folded itself up to be even smaller when it was in the compartment. He used the controls to practice flying it around and watched the camera on it. 

Then, he started to use the pouches and sheaths on his belt. He gave himself daggers, knifes, guns, and even a couple gernades to easily carry around with him. 

He used small metal pins shaped like tiny toothpicks in four of the compartments for his finger guns. One of them had normal ones, one was coated in lethal poison, one was covered in poison to put you to sleep, and one put you through pain. In one compartment on his other hand, he added a poison that would come out as a gas and make you hallucinate. The last three he left empty for future upgrades or if he had any other ideas. 

He tried on the helmet last, and it was perfect. He could see great, and the engineer even added a screen to the glass that could give him night vision, or thermal vision, depending on what he chose on his arm band. It had the small oxygen tanks like he wanted, and the part around his mouth had air filtration, so he'd be able to safely eject poisons. The filters had a small system that would change his voice as well. 

As he stared at his plain black helmet, a theme and villain name came to mind. He got out some paint and a paint brush and started working. He used grey and painted a skull shape to the front of the helmet. He used the arm band to change the color the glass reflected on the outside to resemble the part of the skull he couldn't paint, since it would block it vision. 

He didn't know if it sounded cringy, but he like the name. It wouldn't give him away, since it had nothing to do with how he was in school, but it was ominous. 

"Black Skull," he whispered to himself. He put the whole thing on and walked around in it, getting used to the feel. There was padding in his shoes so the steel didn't hurt his feet. It was definitely heavy on him, but he was going to have to learn to get used to it. He practiced his aim by shooting the normal needles, as he decided to call them, from his finger guns. It was easy to learn, considering wherever he pointed was where the needle ended up. A small button his thumb could reach was what triggered the needle to shoot out. Whichever finger was extended was which one would shoot. If more than one was extended, it wouldn't shoot at all. 

The needles were sharp, and they shot out fast and straight, just like he wanted. 

He walked into the main room while wearing it, showing Tomura, All for One, and Kurogiri. 

"That looks sick," Tomura said, examining it. "Have you decided on a name?" 

"Black Skull."

"That's an awesome name." 

"And practical," All for One added. "It has no correlation to your past life and forces someone to imagine a symbol of death. Very ominous yet easy to remember." 

Izuku smiled and continued to show off the other features of the suit like the hidden compartments, the drone, the finger guns, etc. 

When night came, Izuku went out alone to get a kill and make a name for himself. He walked in the dark areas of the streets rather than the alleyways. He came across a small group of young adults. They'd work. 

They were drinking alcohol and laughing with each other. He walked right up to them, not saying anything at first. They looked at him awkwardly. 

"What? Trying to look edgy, kid?" Izuku was still short after all. The steel soles only gave him a few extra centimeters of height. He could easily be mistaken for a little kid. 

He pointed his pinky finger at one of them. That was the one that contained the pain-filled poison. They looked at him confused, so he triggered it. 

The man he shot only felt a pinch from the needle that stuck into his leg. Then it stung a little. Then the poison really kicked in. He started screaming and gripped his leg as he crashed to the ground. His friends freaked out and went to him, not knowing what to do. 

"What did you do??" a girl cried. 

"It's a simple poison that causes pain. It won't damage him," Izuku answered. He was a little surprized at his own voice. The filter made it deeper and distorted. "And I'm not a kid trying to be edgy. I'm a villain." 

"What do you want from us?!?!" another person in the group yelled. 

"Nothing much. I usually go out an kill people, but I just came up with my villain name, so I need at least one of you to live so the heroes know that these murders were caused by Black Skull. So, who's it going to be? Who, out of all of you, wants to live?"

He pointed his index finger at them, that one had the normal needle, but they were the sharpest and could really kill them if he aimed for a vital organ. 

"How about this? Whoever shows me their phone works and can prove they can call the heroes first gets to live?" he said. It was amazing to him to watch as friends quickly turned on eachother. They all dug through their pockets. All except the one still on the ground, screaming from the pain from the poison. Izuku was annoyed by him, so he used a normal needle and shot him right in the neck. 

The man coughed as blood poured from his throat. He died quickly. 

A girl pulled out her phone first with fumbling hands and hovered her thumb over the call button to the heroes. "I got my phone out first. I can live right?" 

The others had their phones out too, but hers was pulled out first. Izuku pointed right at her and shot her right in her eye. She fell over, dead. 

"You guys really don't care about each other huh?" there were three guys left. They all simultaneously fell on the ground as they looked up at him. They shook in fear. "What was my name again?" 

"B-Black S-S-Skull," two of them said. Izuku shot the third one that said nothing. Every shot was silent, which scared them even more. Since it was air pressure rather than gunpowder, he could shoot needles without a sound. 

"Now, you two can live! I changed my mind. I want to deliver a message to the heroes and I want two people so you can remember it more accurately. All right? Tell the heroes that Black Skull is a new villain, but he's extremely experienced. He's more powerful than you can imagine. I'm going to destroy. You. All." 

He leaned closer to both of them. 


They wasted no time getting up and scurrying away as fast as they could. 

Izuku walked back home after that. He was already tired. Besides, he had already done what he wanted. He planted the seed of fear, he just needed to let it grow. 

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