four. the notice board

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004.    the notice board


FALLON HAD ARRIVED BACK HOME TO FIND her sister actually doing her homework for once in a lifetime. Fallon was in shock but spoke nothing of it as she placed the bag down onto the table in front of Teagan.

"Help yourself, T, I need to get changed," She smelt her blue shirt. "I smell like bloody fish." She ruffled her sisters hair before she ran up the stairs to her room.

Teagan laughed at her older sister before grabbing two plates from the cupboard. She placed her plate in front of her as she opened the bag full of chips, grabbing a handful and placing it on her plate. She did the same thing for Fallon as she began to eat her chips whilst she finished off her homework.

"Fuck me," Fallon mumbled as she got down the stairs and walked into the kitchen. "How's your day been?" She asked, taking a seat besides her sister.

Teagan's mood changed in an instant. The wee girl jumping up and down in her chair. "We're going on a trip to the zoo and a museum! It's gonna be class, Fallie."

"The zoo?" She mumbled as she munched her chips. "Ain't that exciting?"

Teagan nodded. "Aye! But you've got to fill out a form," The brunette pulled out a sheet of paper and handed it to her. Fallon took the form and began to read over it when she stopped at- "Sixty five quid? To go to the fucking zoo?"


Fallon chuckled. "Is that why you're doing your homework?"


Fallon smiled and thought over it. I mean, £65 was quite a bit but nothing compared to £375 for the trip to Paris. She looked at her sister who looked at her with begging eyes and she couldn't say no. She couldn't say no to the zoo. I mean, the zoo was class.

"Fine," Fallon agreed as Teagan cheered. "But..."

"But, anything!" Teagan begged. "I'll do anything."

"Homework, you've got to do your homework this year if you want to go."

Teagan rapidly nodded. "Yes, I will! Thank you, thank you, thank you," She yelled as she embraced her sibling into a tight hug. Fallon patted her head as she pulled away. "Yeah, I know. I'm the best."

Half an hour later, Fallon and Teagan had finished their chippy and the older girl had just tucked her little sister into bed and was about to fill in Teagan's form when the doorbell rang.

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