nine. the national road trip

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009.    the national road trip


TODAY WAS THE DAY OF THE QUINN'S NATIONAL HOLIDAY, but the only reason for the tradition was that it was on the exact day of the parade. The O'Reilly's had tagged along ever since they were kids as the loud noise from outside and two children were apparently 'too much' for her parents.

The loud music came from outside as Fallon jumped at the sudden bang, causing her sister besides her to jump it as well. "Headphones, Teagan." Fallon reminded her sister as the young girl couldn't deal with loud noise.

She nodded and placed the headphone onto her petite head and sighed. The banging and the drumming was almost completely gone. But was Teagan could hear from her headphones was Mary Quinn's shrieking, "We need to shift ourselves! We're the last Fenians standing!"

"Relax, love," Joe tried to calm the hysterical woman down. "We've got a good two or three hours before the rioting starts."

"I'll not settle myself until we're over that border, Da."

Gerry, having difficulty closing the suitcase, opened it to see a rather large clock. "You're absolutely sure we need the big clock, love?"

"We've been through this, Gerry." Mary looked down at him.

"Definitely don't want to bring the wee clock?" 

"I can't be doing with the wee clock!"

"What is your problem with the big clock?" Joe harshly asked Gerry. "I wouldn't say I have a problem with it, as such, it's just much heavier and takes up a lot of room." He complained.

"I'm telling you, Mary, that's how it starts," Joe pointed over at him. "He's dictating what size clock you can pack. Next, he'll be telling you what to wear, what to say. Before you know it, you'll be faking your own death and assuming a new identity."

Mary whined as looked over to her daughter. "Erin, I told you not to let him watch that Sleeping With The Enemy."

"Couldn't stop him, Mammy." Erin simply replied without turning to her mother.

Gerry, who was still struggling with the suitcase, sighed, looking up at Mary. "Are you sure about the big clock?"

"Ach, Fallon, love!" Mary called the girl over as she walked on over to her. "Could you zip this up for us?"

Fallon nodded, practically shoving Gerry out of the way, as she closed up the suitcase with ease. "All done, Mary."

She smiled gratefully at her before turning back to her husband. "Stick that in the boot."

Joe scoffed as he watched Gerry try to lift the suitcase up. "You'll might as well get the wain to do that as well," He motioned over to Fallon before he walked over. "Out of the way." He told Gerry as he lifted the suitcase with ease. 

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