twenty five. breaking & entering

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025.    breaking & entering


'THEY TOLD US WE WERE YOUNG, yet we understood the enormity of it. We understood what was at stake. Our fear was replaced with something all together more terrifying... hope. Hope is so much worse. With hope you have something to lose...'

The rewind of the tape interrupted Erin's voice over speech as everyone groaned. "Oh, for fuck's sake! What's happened now?" Michelle asked as the tape began to glitch out.

"Your TV is such a piece of crap," James told Erin. "No, it's not. Your camera's the problem," Erin fired back, defending her TV. "My camera's top of the range!"

"It's true," Michelle, for once, agreed with her cousin. "His Ma only send him really expensive shit, you know, to make up for the fact she doesn't love him."

"Michelle!" James whined.

"Oh, sorry, that came out wrong. I meant- nope can't think of any other way to put that."

Fallon rolled her eyes at her girlfriend before placing her hand on James' shoulder. "I'll be your Ma, James. Sadly, I'm not rich."

"Thanks, Fallon." James mumbled.

"That actor looks so familiar," Orla tilted her head and pointed to herself on the screen, in confusion. "That's you, love." Fallon said as the girl looked stunned.

James whipped around to look at them. "We're going to have to reshoot this footage."

"No chance!"

"Oh, come on, Michelle!" James argued. "These kids from Germany made a short film about the Berlin Wall and it won an Oscar!"

"Aye, but they probably had, you know, talent!"

"Chel's right," Fallon agreed with a huff. "I'm not doing this a-fucking-gain, James. We've spend all Summer making this utter shite!"

The brunette nodded in agreement. "Exactly, we need to face the fact that we've spent the summer making something that's really quite shite."

"It's not shit, Michelle! Well, the script might need a bit of work." James nodded.

"Do not start on the script again!" Erin snapped at the boy, referring to the fact that James had been constantly telling the girl that the script 'needed more excitement'. "The script is a masterpiece!"

"The script is boring, Erin, It doesn't make any sense. What's it even about?" Michelle asked.


"Urgh, I am so fucking sick of peace! It's all anyone ever bangs on about," Michelle groaned out in annoyance. "Okay, I think we should just cut our losses, and make a couple of fake videos for 'You've Been Framed'."

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