eighteen. jonjo

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018.    jonjo


AFTER WATCHING THEIR ENTIRE SUITCASE of vodka being blown up, the teens had made a run for it as Sister Michael gave them a rather fearful look. Now, they were walking on foot to go to Belfast.

"We need a better plan, Michelle," Erin announced after a few minutes of silence. "This is a great plan," The brunette argued. "We cannot walk to Belfast," Erin scoffed as she shook her head in disagreement. "How far can it be? Have you ever seen Northern Ireland on a map? It's fucking tiny."

The girls besides her groaned and threw her arms around Michelle. "We're not walking to Belfast, Chel. I might die on the way there." She huffed as Michelle rolled her eyes and linked arms with her, trying to kept the girl walking.

"I have to say I'm not overly keen on being out in the open like this. Just because of the whole 'there's a polar bear on the loose that could maul us to death' thing!" Clare screamed out. "It can try!" Orla said with the stick over her shoulders.

The teens neared a group of people who appeared to be packing up stuff to sell. "Is it just me, or is that Gypsy an absolute ride?" Michelle commented. "It's not just you." Fallon tilted her head to look at him. 

"Michelle! You can't say that! They're called Travellers now. You can't say Gypsy anymore, it's insulting," Erin said in a disapproving tone. "But you just said Gypsy, Erin," Fallon pointed out, making the girl shake her head. "No, Fallon, I said it in an educational way." 

"Is it insulting, Erin?" Michelle asked, more amused than sorry. "Yes, yes it is." Clare nodded along with the other blonde.

"Who are they?" James asked them. "They're just people, James, they're just people that are exactly like us," Erin nodded her head along as she spoke. "Except different," Orla added. "Yes. No!"

The smaller blonde shook her head at Orla. "That's actually racist, Orla," Clare announced. "No, it's not, they are different," Michelle corrected the girl. "They're not." Clare argued.

"They live in a caravans, for a start," Michelle made a fair point. "I wish I live in a caravan," Orla groaned out. "Aye, me too. Caravans are class." The curly haired girl agreed with a nod.

"Can you all stop being so racist," Erin cut the conversation off with a glare. "I'm a bit scared of them," James glanced over at the men before he looked over to the girls with worry. "Is that racist?"

The two blondes nodded in agreement. "Yes," Erin answered. "Very much so." Clare added.

"A Gypsy, is a Gypsy. I don't get the issue. It isn't racist," Fallon corrected the two girls with a scoff. "Traveller!" Erin hissed out at her. "Good Lord." She rolled her eyes.

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