thirty one. the haunting

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031.    the haunting


STANDING OVER THE UNCONSCIOUS BODY, Fallon began to panic as she stared down at James' lifeless body. "Oh my God, is he dead?" She screeched out.

"Of course he's fucking not." Michelle spoke, but she didn't look confident.

"You knocked him down, Michelle!" Erin turned angrily to the brunette.

"I wasn't driving!" She defended herself. "Only James could manage to get himself run over by a stationary fucking van."

"Christ, he's dead." Fallon yelled out, widening her eyes.

"No he's fucking not, Fallon! He's grand," Michelle tried to convince her girlfriend and the group. "James... James... James. James!?" She yelled down at the body of her cousin. Despite her yelling, the boy didn't get up or even move.

"Right, well, that's not working!" 

"Let's just get him to the house and we can ring for help." Clare suggested to the group as they all agreed.

Erin grabbed his back, Clare grab one of his arms and Orla grabbed the other, whilst Fallon went to carry his upper body. Meanwhile, Michelle dragged the crate of drinks and when she got a look from the rest of them she sighed.

"Come off it, Michelle," Fallon rolled her eyes at the girl. "Carry your dead cousin!"

"Right... I can't carry him and the drinks, so..."

"Then put the hooch down." Erin demanded her.

"Honest to Christ!"

Carrying James down the street, they were all out of breath. Who would know that James, the skinniest person she'd ever met, was so bloody heavy? Like seriously, even with the five of them, the girls couldn't carry him for much longer.

"What does he eat?!"


"How does someone this skinny is so heavy?!"

As they approached the house Erin spoke up, "Okay, so Sister Michael said the key was under the plant pot." She breathed out, struggling under the weight of the boy.

The group turned to the house in front of them to see so many fucking plant pots.

"No!" Clare yelled as her and Orla ran to start looking for the key.

Getting tired, Fallon let the boy go and left Erin to hold him upwards.

"Where is it?!" Clare screamed in frustration.

"Okay, girls, let's work from left to right." Erin directed, moving left and right with James' unconscious body.

Michelle leant down towards her cousin, "Has he gone a bit blue?"

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