three. the trust fund

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003.    the trust fund


FALLON WAS STOOD IN BETWEEN ORLA AND CLARE, as Jenny Joyce and her choir sang, terribly. Michelle, Clare, James, Fallon and Erin staring with horror as Orla swayed side to side mouthing the words.

"Please, Lord, make them stop." Fallon whispered, looking up to the roof. She'd never been a big believer on the whole religion thing that they taught them. Fallon just wanted lucky and money so whatever God was out there, she would pray to them.

Jenny attempted a high note which was deafening and something that'll be haunting the dirty-blonde in her dreams tonight. She covered her ears for the final part of the song as they had finally finished, Orla began to clap

"Uh, wonderful girls, lovely stuff," Sister Michael got out of her seat with disgust on her face. "Before I dismiss you for the weekend, a few announcements. On Monday morning, serval of our year thirteen's will face their GCSE maths resit," Sister Michaels stated. "Now, I know how daunting resit examinations can be, so if anyone is feeling anxious or worried, or even if you just want to chat, please please, do not come crying to me," Sister said with a light smile. "Let me see, what else?

"Come on." Michelle mumbled. "Come on, come on to fuck!"

"A notice from Mr. Mccauley," The nun announced.  "This year's destination for the euro trotters trip will be dramatic pause," Sister looked back at the teacher. "Did you actually want me to do the dramatic pause?" She asked as he nodded in agreement. "Paris, it's going to be Paris." She finally announced.

Clare let out a loud gasp and almost screamed. Fallon almost screamed out in excitement as well. She'd always wanted to go to Paris. But then reality hit her quick and shut down her dreams. The girl was unable to go as she could barely afford to pay for bills and food. Plus the fact that she'd have to give notice to her jobs and leave Teagan with somebody for a week.

"If you need any further information, there is a stall in the foyer. Sadly, I am unable to come on this one as I despise the French."

Fallon and her group made their way out of the hall and began to make their way to the stall in the foyer.

"There's so much I want to do. The Champs-Elysees, the Arc de Triophe, the louvre." Clare ranted excitedly.

"A French fella," Chel added. "That's what I want to do. Nation of rides. My fannys going funny just thinking about it."

Erin scrunched up her face. "Can you not use that word, Michelle?"

"What, fanny?"

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