twenty two. cillian o'reilly

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022.    cillian o'reilly

[  tw: parental abuse ]


FALLON DIDN'T KNOW HOW MUCH SHE COULD deal with anymore. Her Da was back in Derry. Cillian fucking O'Reilly was back and Fallon couldn't deal with it. The man had only been back a couple of days and he was stressing his oldest out, not to mention he was also causing his youngest to never come home.

Teagan hadn't been back home since the arrival of Cillian, she'd been staying with either Siobhan or the Quinn's. Her sister understood that it was difficult for her to see him after completely abandoning her when she was young, but without Teagan to keep Fallon afloat, the girl was drowning. 

The man had been trying to get into the house, constantly knocking on the door, yelling at Fallon from outside and even when she had to go to school, he'd beg her to let him inside. He was impossible. 

God, the man even tried to jump from the neighbours. 

Her Da was a fucking headache.

Opening the window from her room, she sighed as she saw the man sitting by the doorstep. "What the fuck do you want, Cillian? Why are you back?"

He jumped up on his feet when he heard his daughters voice, looking up towards the window. "I want to talk to you, you and Teagan. I want to explain everything to you," He said but when he saw the look upon her face, he fell down on his knees. "Please, Fallon."

"Christ," The girl muttered, looking away for a moment, before looking back down. "Fine, no Teagan though. Ground rules, Cillian. No stealing, no sitting, no begging for money, no looking around, basically don't you fucking dare touch anything."

Shutting the window, she fished out a cigarette from her pocket and placed it between her lips whilst she searched for her lighter. She'd found it and lit up the cigarette, sighing in relief upon her first inhale as she made her way down the stairs. 

She opened up the front door, blowing the smoke in his face. "Come in."

He fumbled with his jeans as he nodded and made his way inside the place he used to call home. As he looked around, everything was different, the walls, the paintings, even where the table used to be, it was different. 

"Did some redecorating, did you?" He smiled at her as she dryly chuckled at him. "Yeah, did it a couple years back." Cillian gestured to the chair. "May I sit?" He asked as Fallon hesitantly nodded.

Fallon placed the cigarette in her fingers as he opened his mouth, again. "Look, Fallon I want to explain myself to you. You and Teagan, but you won't let me see Teagan."

"Fuck off," She scoffed. "She doesn't want to see you. I have nothing to do with her decisions, she's old enough to make her own."

The bearded man stayed silent for a moment as he tried to remember his daughters ages. Teagan was old enough to make her own decisions? Surely not. He still remembered the girl when she was in nappies and couldn't form a sentence. How old was she now? How old was Fallon now?

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