The unidentified vessel approaching Earth continues to fly through space headed towards Earth and Mars. We take a good look at the ship before a strange blue light emits around the craft. It begins to alter its appearance to something else. This we do not see because we cut inside to the craft. The command centre is a bridge with a comfortable, black leather seat for the ship's controller to sit in. He can observe what the other crew mates of the ship do as well as the gigantic monitor in front of him. It will register not only what the ship can see but also statistics of the craft such as its position, the schematic of the ship, fuel, shape of the craft, etc. Around the ship, there are different sections of the command deck with unique control panels for operators to work from. There are four different sections around the command deck, all in each corner of the room.
The sliding grey entrance is situated in a corridor behind the leather seat. The craft is darkly lit and features navy-blue walls. Each member looks identical to one another as if they were clones. The brown-coloured men are designed like animated characters as if they had an extra thick brown layer around their persons. The men wear identical maroon-coloured jackets and builders' hats. These are the men inside Mr. Bob, the ship flying through space. It can morph its shape with a cloaking device that makes it appear in any object or person.
For the moment, it is a small spaceship, but its appearance is altering. The men are only different by their distinct voices and how their names are marked on the right-hand side of their jacket. The man sitting in the control seat is Mr. Brain. He speaks in an American accent and runs the entire operation. Mr. Nerve, second in command has a Texan accent and sits behind Mr. Brain's right-hand side. Mr. Relay sits on the other side of Mr. Nerve and talks with a Californian accent. Each panel will run its own department in helping to run the ship and its controls. The men work on the ship as if they were like people running a working machine inside a man.
Mr. Brain:
Transition on its way! See that the exterior looks good.
Mr. Nerve:
Programing it now, sir. Any moment now.
Mr. Brain:
We will soon be arriving at our guests' sector of space. We wanna give them a good warm welcome and make ourselves look hospitable.
Mr. Relay:
Atoms now displacing.
The blue light fades to reveal a larger, more quadrilateral orange ship flying through space.
Transition complete.
Mr. Nerve:
Arrival time to Earth space now four hours.
We cut to see a variety of clones inside the machine operating it as if they were a mechanism powering the ship's engine. The engine is sealed in a glass vault and we see men inside working a long panel stretching across a room keeping it under control. The radio communicates to the command deck of the ship.
Clone 1:
Engine stabilising. She always spikes a little when we change our appearance. Gives her that little more power.
A set of wires inside the craft are also overview from a special glass chute where clones inside overview the ship from their computer panel. One of the wires starts to overheat.
Clone 2:
We have an overload in Department FG7 Gamma. Am closing down wire ZB22A and diverting the power through ZB22C.
We then return to the command deck.
Mr. Relay:
Roger FG7 Gamma. Engineers are on their way down to you now.
We see a number of men running through a pipe on their way to fix the overloading circuit.
Damage finding a loose application. The overdrawn to the current outside its capacity can be fixed in no time at all.
Mr. Nerve:
It's because the transitioning of our cloaking device has such a wide scale to alter our appearance, internally and externally, it takes even the attention to detail of the inside mechanics of objects and beings so seriously.
Mr. Relay:
The inner dimension rearranges itself, Mr. Nerve, which then restructures the surrounding outward appearance of Mr. Bob.
Mr. Brain:
It's a simple fix, fellas. Nothing much to worry about. What is the lowdown on the Earth and Martian terrain?
Information is displayed on the large screen for Mr. Brain to inspect.
Mr. Nerve:
Our calculations were correct about Earth, Mr. Brain. They are who we need.
Mr. Brain:
And Mars?
Mr. Nerve:
Exactly who we feared they were.
Mr. Relay:
The SS Centauri is also plotting its course on a trajectory for this system of the galaxy. It appears that our trace has been followed.
Mr. Brain:
As I feared it would.
Mr. Relay:
They'll be catching up with us fast, Mr. Brain. They are only a mere hour behind us.
Mr. Nerve:
We also calculate that both Earth and Mars are sending separate space vessels to meet our position. And just as well.
Mr. Brain:
Have they intercepted our transmission yet?
Mr. Nerve:
Negative, sir. Our communications technology is far too advanced for their own, and theirs is far too primitive to make a contact with ours.
Mr. Relay:
I imagine the waves emitted from the transitioning of our ship is probably making them wonder what we really are.
Mr. Brain:
Then we gotta get our men beating the heck out of this old baby and get to Earth. For the sake of all of the people in the universe, we've gotta to warn Earth of the android menace.
The ship continues to fly forward in space...
Terrahawks: The Terrahawks
ФанфикIn 2020, a Martian menace threatens the Earth. Evil androids who from Guk, a distant planet in Alpha Centauri, were once the servants of a civilisation similar to that of man. But they disposed of their humanoid masters, and swore vengeance on all h...