Scene 29 - Earth To Mars

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We open up back at Hawknest, the Terrahawks HQ. Sergeant Major Zero and Zeroid 18 are in the lounge of the HQ where Zeroids 12 and 97, armed and primed, lead the captured Yung-Star and It-Star to the table where a computer monitor is sat on the table with the two Zeroids.

Sergeant Major Zero:

Alright then you two, sit down. And I want no funny business.


At last, we are in the stinking lair of the accursed Terrahawks. Mother will be proud of what we will have to report to her.


When we make it back, indeed, Uncle. Much like the Terrahawks scum, none of us know whether our friends and family made it in the crossfire. But we will do. After I complete my secret objective here.

We zoom towards It-Star menacingly. The two androids are made to sit in the seats for the monitor.

Sergeant Major Zero:

You'll sit here and remain silent until you're either ordered too, or to speak when you're spoken to.



The computer monitor begins to show scrambled images. Zero and 18 sit in front of the camera's view. Zeroids 12 and 97 continue guarding the prisoners.

Zeroid 18:

It is on. Go ahead, mon amis.

Sergeant Major Zero:

This is Hawknest, Terrahawks headquarters, transmitting signal to Zelda's Martian base.

The picture remains scrambled for some time.

Zeroid 18:

Mon dut! It is not working. We've failed.

Sergeant Major Zero:

Hold it a moment, Dix-huit. Mars is 140 million miles away. The signal will need time reach to the Martian surface.

A signal is being transmitted to Zelda's complex. Zelda concentrates hard on her scanner as her torture of the Terrahawks is interrupted.


What's this, Zelda?


The Earth scum seem willing to negotiate terms now. Considering I am squashing their line of defence.

Mthrock grows impatient. His hand continues shaking.


The Earth scum? Fah! Let them waste no time on our slaughter of these scurvy swines who have gotten in our way for long enough.

Hook y'hand:

Well, why don't we let them have their say first. Then we can show them what we're doing to their line of defence.


I make the decisions here, Hook y'hand.

The scanner begins intercepting the transmission. Zero's voice is being heard.

Sergeant Major Zero:

Sergeant Major Zero calling from the Terrahawks headquarters, are you hearing this message?

The transmission is heard also in Mr. Bob. There is a huge sign of relief among the Terrahawks crew.


It's Sergeant Major Zero! He made it ok.

Zeroid 35:

Oh, Sergeant Major! He made it ok!

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