test || georgie farmer

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I know almost everyone of you hate the "are you guys friends" and then the loyalty test videos, but I want to make a imagine based on it, again with Georgie because I saw that you guys liked the Georgie imagines. Sorry if you don't like the subject or find it cringe 😅

I don't want to repeat myself saying "I responded" or "I said" so the diferent text will represent different characters:               you = italic               georgie = italic bolded        percy  = underline                    the dude with the question = italic underline

About the Lo'ak story, i think that I will start it after I post 15-20 parts on this story


 I was waiting in the living room waiting for my boyfriend, Georgie, to come back from the interview he had today for the new show that came out, "Wednesday". I was laying on the couch scrolling through Netflix when my phone rang. "Percy"  it read on the screen, not thinking much of it i responded.

"Hello?"     "Oh- Y/N, hi. How are you"      "I am good. What happened?"     "I was wondering if you would like to Netflix and chill at my apartament later?"    I was shocked, did he just invite me over at his house, I suppose alone, my heart started thumping and heat started accumulating in my chest. "What do you mean? Like all of us Georgie, me, you, jenna?"     "No, no. Only us two"   my jaw dropped, what in the world, I am not gonna accept this offer even if I wasn't in a relationship, I see Percy as my younger dumb brother.

"Percy, I have to decline your offer. I only see you as my younger brother an besides that I am together with one of your friends. So sorry, I am sure you will find another girl. Bye"    with that I closed the call, and began to search for my boyfriends number, confusion turning in anger.

Georgies pov

A guy approached us asking us if we wanted to be in a challange for his tik tok. He is pretty famous, I saw him on my fyp a few times and I said why not, Percy was agreeing and we decided to do it. 

The video is about a loyalty test, we would call one of our girlfriends, but Percy doesn't have one, so Percy would call my girlfriend to ask to Netflix and chill at his house and we would see her reaction. Said and done. Percy was now ringing my girl when she responded

"Hello" I hear her say, voice filled with confusion, Percy almost let out a laugh before answering her "Oh- Y/N, hi. How are you"    he looked at me for approval, I simply nodded "I am good. What happened?"   she responded still not very convinced if  he didn't call her by mistake. He looked at me before dropping the question "I was wondering if you would like to Netflix and chill at my apartament later?"       it was silent for a couple of seconds before she started again "What do you mean? Like all of us Georgie, me, you, jenna?"  of course she was confused why would my friend call her from thin air    "No, no. Only us two"   another pause, as I know her in this moment she was gathering her thoughts, then she spoke.

"Percy, I have to decline your offer. I only see you as my younger brother an besides that I am together with one of your friends. So sorry, I am sure you will find another girl. Bye"   she said  ending the call not letting Percy say anything else. The guy came to shake our hands and congratulate me for having this type of girl, then out of nowhere I hear my phone ring, it was my beloved. I answered putting the phone on speaker.

"Bub?"  "Yes, bub?"   "Do you know what happened?"   "No bub, I don't know what happened"    "Percy just called me and asked for fucking Netflix and chill at his, can you belive it? Who does he think he is, does he think that our relationship is a joke, because in that case I think you should change your friends" she let out a hump while I let out a laugh "Do you really think is funny?"  her anger being more clear now, the guy butted in.

"Hey, miss, I just want to let you know that this was a loyalty test for my tik tok account and you passed it. Congrats" she let out a hmp meaning that she understood "Ok thank you, Georgie we would talk home, and Percy don't pull shit like that again" with that she closed the call and me and Percy started heading home  

While I got home I thought that everything was going too be alright, it wasn't, when I kissed her she would just wipe it off after, or when I talked to her she gave me the cold shoulder. I think I broke her trust, I knew she wouldn't cheat but I agreed to do the test, I would be like that too, if my significant other did the same thing as I did I wouldn't see them the same again.

When we got in bed, ready to sleep. I hooked my arm around her waist, pulling her closer to me and kissing her behind her ear before starting "I am sorry that I accepted to do that test, I really am, I know you wouldn't cheat, I am so sorry, please forgive me"  she moved, that way she could face me "Fine I forgive you, but promise, you wouldn't pull stuff like that again. And promise that you will talk to me first, before doing anything else" with that the pulled her pinky up suggesting to do the pinky promise. "I promise"

"Good, now give me a kiss" she said pulling me into a sweet kiss.

In that moment I knew that she is the one, my princess.


I tried to do something different, like his pov, hope you liked it.

 And Merry Christmas!!! 🎅🏻💕

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