For this imagine ajax and Xavier would share a room, because i think the father of Xaviers dorm would let girls in there
Ajax is sick, he got the common flu, he doesn't want to leave his dorm, he naps all day and lays in bed playing on his laptop not wanting to get better. He's to stubborn to ask for my or others help. I want him to get better, but he doesn't want to take his medicine or drink warm teas, he refuses my help and it couldn't hurt more, I just want him to be back to his happy self, and leave this vegetative state, he looks terrible.
I knocked on his dorm door, waiting patiently for someone to open the door. I hear a groan from the other side of the door as steps make their way to the door. The knob twists and reveals a tired Ajax. He was wearing his usual set of pijamas, but he indeed looked very very tired, he had purple bags under his eyes and he was radiating heat. "Hi, love. Do you feel any better?" I asked worried "No, not at all. I feel so so tired and miserable" he said, I mean he even looked miserable, he didn't want to be treated for a week, I need to step up I couldn't leave him like that. "Come on" I hurried him to bed, pulling the covers over him. "Now wait here patiently, until I come back".
With that I left the room, I was walking to my dorm to bring Ajax some medicine and food, good thing that me and my roommates, Enid and Wednesday, are having a mini fridge and microwave in our room, this way I could keep some cafeteria food for later and heat it, mind blowing.
No one was in our room, even if someone was there that wouldn't stop me. I got all the medicine that I needed from our bathroom cabinet and some leftover soup from todays lunch, I heated it up and made my way back to my boyfriends room. I've entered the room not bothering to knock, and there he was, in his bed all covered up, only his eyes and beanie visible. I've putted the stuff that I got on the counter and got him a glass of water, I made my way to his bed with the soup, the water and the painkillers. "Love, sit up, you need to eat something else than chips and sweets" he groaned shifting his position, now he was sitting up, his legs being covered with the blanket "I am not hungry, I've eaten today" he huffed. "Chips and sweets, am I right? "You are right, but you don't need to take care of me, I can handle it myself" he said rolling his eyes. patience patience, he is not him right now I thought to myself "If you make this hard I will be obligated to feed you myself" his eyes widen at the idea, not sounding to bad for him "Then do it " he smirked thinking that I wouldn't accept his offer "Fine" I replied getting closer to him.
"Open up" he did as I told him to and the spoon full of soup entered his mouth. After fifteen minutes of groans and scoffs he was able to finish his bowl of soup. I wasn't expecting Xavier to see the whole thing, but when I turned around to grab Ajax medicine, he was standing in the hallway of the dorm oh shit, this isn't happening I played it cool not acknowledging him "I should better leave now" he said turning on his feet and exiting the room. I laughed to myself as I grabbed the glass of water and the pain killers handing them to Ajax. As I made sure that he swallowed it I started getting ready to leave. When I was almost at the door I heard his voice call me.
"You are not going to leave, are you?" he asked "You want me to stay here with you?" he nodded. I forgot that if you give this guy attention when his sick he is going to be needy for the rest of it. I mean I didn't had anything else to do than homework and who would want to do their homework on a Sunday. "Are you coming?" he asked getting me out of my thoughts. I made my way to his bed, getting under the covers.
When I got in a comfortable position and stayed still, Ajax saw it as an opportunity. He rolled on top of me hiding his nose in the crock of my neck. He took in a big breath getting my scent in his sistem "I've missed you" he murmured "I've missed you to.. but if I get sick because of you..." I said, he let out a small laugh as he closed his eyes and drifted to sleep. I kissed his forehead, moving my hand up and down his back.
"Remember that you will always be my big baby" I murmured as I drifted off to sleep too
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Caption : Look at these two babies, such a wonderful view, pity that I am still single pringle @snakeboy @snakeboylover