sleep || divina

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A thing you don't know about me and my girlfriend is the fact is that we love to sleep. every time we stay together it ends up with us falling asleep. Our friends usually found us hours later in different places. One time my roommate found me at the roots of a big tree in the forest, cuddled up with Divina under the lights of the stars.

It's not that we don't have anything to do with one another or we feel tired, no, we just feel asleep because of each others comfort, besides that we love staying cuddled up under the covers after our classes ended its comforting.

This is what we are doing now. We are being cuddled up watching a movie together. She was laying on my chest, with is head in the crook of my neck while I was scratching lightly her shoulders. We didn't talk, but the silence that sat upon us was enough for us. Just being there with one another made us feel complete.

This way we spended out most nights, in silence, in each others arms, falling asleep in comfort, surrounded by love. She really is my significant other, no one made me feel this complete with only their presence.


Old request from iracabeth-revenna, sorry for not posting your request sooner, i didn't have any ideas for it, hope you like it

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