meet and greet || georgie farmer

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As the new Wednesday show grew larger to the audience, the producers and directors decided to arrange meet and greets with the actors and the fans. Of course it had a huge impact on the fandom, all the tickets being sold out in only a few hours, they are now reselled for a higher price on Twitter and Instagram, this is how me and my friend got tickets this Sunday, we payed 150$ for a ticket, but what can we say, you don't get to see your favourite idol every single day, and besides they are full access, so we get 15 minutes with the actors, get to do pictures and autographs.



Making our way towards the arena, we are greeted with a ton of people ready to meet their idols, or favourite actors. It was crowded, I almost lost my friend once. We were parted in lines, each type of ticket getting it's own line.

My friend was jumping from exitement, she was so exited to meet Percy, its her favourite person from the cast, while I was exited to meet Georgie, he was super cute, I admired him and his character the whole show.

The lines were big, the standard ticket line being the most crowded one. From the speackers we were announced that the meet and greet will start. They started with the standard lines moving to the next ones slowly, in this time me and Sally, my friend talked and studied the place.

A weird thing happened throughout the wait, Georgie's eyes and mine connected multiple times, his beautiful chocolate eyes starring into mine. Of course like an awkward girl that I am, i moved my gaze pretty fast, not wanting to hold the eye contact any longer.

The whole meet and greet was also streamed live on Twitch and YouTube, meaning that sometimes the camera would point at us. We just waved at it with a big warm smile our faces.

The event ended for the 'standard' tickets meaning that the full access ones started the meet and greet. Arriving late, me and my friend were the last ones, a long time of waiting, but I guess it will be worth it.



Finally the last group left meaning that me and Sally are the last ones.

"Hello, how are you?" I greeted the cast hugging each one of them "We are doing pretty good. How about you? I bet it was such a long wait" Jenna said looking over at us "I mean yea it was a long wait but it was worth it" I said smiling at them.

The next 10 minutes were the best of my life, the cast was so sweet and geniue, the whole 'I'm famous' thing not changing their way of living, we chatted a lot about different topics and I saw that me, Georgie and Jenna have the same passions and hobbies, while Sally had a lot more in common with the rest of them.

Being next to Georgie, made my heart flutter, he sometimes he slipped out some compliments, he told me that I have very pretty eyes and that he could remember them from anywhere and besides that he complemented my outfit. The compliments made my cheeks warm up, while I thanked him.

One of the cameramans called over, telling that we only had 2 minutes left. When we heard that we asked the cast to take some pictures and sign our shirts. We took a lot of phothos, we even made a tik tok with them. Then they signed out T-shirts, they tried to make it as authentic as they could, Emma drew a little cat face next to her signature, it was adorable.

When it was Georgie's turn I felt that he was taking way more than the others, but I didn't think much of it.

Making our way towards the exit I was a little bit ahead of Sally, then she suddently exclaimed "OMG" confused I turned around to face her, she just pointed at the back of my t-shirt where percy signed "You've got to be kidding me_" I breathed out

Text me later if you have time, beautiful, xxx-xxx-xxx                                                            Georgie<3

No fucking way


I saw someone wanting a Georgie one, soo there you have it, and someone wanting a part two of the imagine, I will be making a part two to the Georgie one, I feel uncomfy writing about Percy, with all the stuff going on

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2023 ⏰

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