I want to say Merry Christmas to everybody and thank you for all the support that you showed me. Thank you and Happy Holydays!💕🎅🏻
Its the first holyday season that me and Georgie spend together. Because of the new virus we couldn't go and visit our families. We do miss them a lot but it's exiting to spend your holydays with your significant other, like decorating the house, making goodies, watching Christmas movies and playing in the snow, its fun and you feel like you are living in one of those romance Christmas movies.
Its Christmas eve, meaning that we finished all of the preparations for the 25th of this month and now we are laying on the couch in eachothers embrace watching for the fifth time this season Grinch. It's not late but outside is dark because of the time change so we could do other activities besides what we are doing now but all of our ideas were consumed the days prior. Then it struck me
"Bub?" he let out a "hmp" letting me know that he listens to me "Do you want to bake cookies together?" his eyes lit up at the idea. Not even 2 seconds later he was in the kitchen waiting for me. I laughed at him making my way towards the kitchen.
I started getting out all the ingredients that we need from the cabinets putting them on the counter while Georgie got all the utensils putting them next to the ingredients. When we were finished we decided to start. We decided that he will do the glaze while I did the batter even tho he insisted on letting me do the glaze.
I started mixing in the bowl all the dry ingredients flour, sugar, a bit of salt and orange peel (this is what me and my mom use for flavour), then I added the rest of the ingredients, butter, milk , eggs and vanilla extract, when i mixed it the mixture began to transform in the batter that I wanted, when I couldn't mix the dough with a mixer I started kneading the dough with my hands. Georgie in the other hand was already finished with the glaze, and he decided to have some fun with it coulouring it in different colours, red, green, gold and a part of it was white.
I was done too so I stretched the dough on the counter so we could be able to cut it into the forms that we wanted. We started making them together, at one moment we started laughing like maniacs we don't know why we just did. After we used up all the space from the first stretch I rolled out the dough again, reapeting the process until we finished it. Then I put the pan that the cookies were on in the oven setting the timer at 30 minutes.
As i did that Georgie tough that it will be a good idea to throw flour at me, bad decision. I declared flour war, at that is what we did in the next fifteen minutes, throwing flour at eachother and laughing like crazy. After we calmed down we made sure to clean up the mess, I collected the flour from the counters while Georgie sweeped the floor and did the dishes.
It didn't take long for the cookies to bake. So we took them out waited for them to cool down and started decorating them with the glaze that Georgie did, we had different forms, stars, firs, gingermans, deers, etc.
I was doing the last cookie when I felt Georgie wrapping his hands around my waist putting his head in the crock of my neck kissing the place that was next to his lips. "I am very happy right now" he said kissing my neck again "I am very happy too" I said as I finished the cookie, turning around to face him.
He lifted me up by my thighs, placing me on the counter, he was towering over me because of our height difference. He leaned in connecting our lips into a sweet kiss. We parted, our foreheads being connected and our lips inches apart.
"Merry Christmas, love" He said pressing a kiss on my nose.
"Merry Christmas"
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liked by: georgieebleu, jennaortega, percy, ememyers, and 200,000 more
caption: Just baked with my beloved @georgieebleu
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liked by: Dianasthemoment, jennaortega, percy, ememyers, and 200,000 more
caption: Just baked with my beloved @Dianasthemoment
comments: off (I know that in this picture the dude is not baking cookies, lets just pretend)