Chapter 6

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He makes a sharp right and within a few minutes we're parked at Hudson Park overlooking the river. It is gorgeous out here at night but the freezing cold wind blows and reminds me of my missing coat situation. Hayes notices right away and drapes his suit jacket over my shoulders and wraps his arms around me to keep me warm as we walk.

After a few minutes I realize that I can't even enjoy the view of the lit up skyline because of the freezing cold. "Just a little longer I promise." He tells me, but even with his jacket on, I don't know how much longer I can walk in these heels. My toes feel like they're going to fall off any second but I suck it up and try to speed up.

"Where are you taking me? I thought this was it." He notices me slowing down so he quickly picks me up from under my legs to carry me.

I tuck in my arms and bury my face into his neck to shield it from the cold, enjoying the scent of him as he tells me, "Oh Trouble, this is far from it. Another minute and you'll see."

I lay my hand flat against his hard chest, feeling his heart race as I stay huddled up to his neck. I can't help the heat that's building inside me, wondering what's going through his mind right now.

With every step he takes, my lips slightly brush against his bare neck and I watch as goosebumps start to form. I can't help but steal a glance up at him at the same moment he looks down at me. Our faces slowly inch closer and closer until, "look." He whispers against my lips.

Up ahead in the near distance I see Pier 26 lit up and as we get closer and turn the corner, it turns into the most magical display I think I've ever seen in my life. Oh, this man is good.

The entire pier is draped in so many Christmas lights it's like I'm in a winter wonderland. And at the very end of the pier sits one huge single dome. Hayes places me down on a plush rug that sits at its entrance, which my freezing toes are thankful for once I remove my heels. I take one last look at the skyline behind me and step inside the heated dome.

Heated. Oh you glorious warmth, where have you been all night?

Inside, curtains drape all over the ceiling and Christmas lights dimly light up the center, while the floor is covered in plush rugs, blankets and tons of floor pillows of various colors that I just want to lay on for the rest of my life.

There's a small table next to the floor pillows with fruits, cheeses, meats and a bottle of wine in a bucket of iced water.

"Holy shit, this is romantic as fuck. Are you trying to get in my pants?" And I burst out laughing and immediately catch myself. Shit, the real Sophie snuck out. I laugh nervously and try to correct myself. He is a board member. "Sorry. I mean, it's beautiful here, thank you."

He turns around looking confused, takes my hands in his and looks me dead in the eyes. "Stop. Don't do that okay? Don't be sorry for being you. I want you to be you when you're with me. Be funny, fuck around, it's okay. I can laugh too you know. I'm always surrounded by yes men and women and I know it's all fake. They only feed me shit I want to hear. I don't want that from you. I want, you. Okay?" He searches my eyes for an answer.

Oh shit, that got deep. I nod and smile, "okay."

Not trying to have it stay awkward, I start talking right away while I continue to look around, "I've been here before, in another life it seems, but I've never seen these domes before."

"Yeah they're only here in the winter. The whole pier is full of them so I'm usually sharing the whole space, but tonight I called in a favor."

I follow him as he walks towards the little round table for two in the middle of the dome and I spot a couple of plates and a huge steaming brick oven pepperoni pizza pie in the middle of it that smells all types of amazing right now.

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