Chapter 11 🌶️🌶️

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"You're killing me, Trouble." He says with his head down and I close the door quietly behind me, laying my back against it, envelope in hand. The tension is heavy in the air and I feel like I'm walking into a lion's den.

"Nothing happened, I swear." I say as I walk closer tossing it on the kitchen island on the way.

I've never seen him like this. He looks so... broken, and I don't know how to fix it. "I'm sorry but I had to. I need this job, you know that. And plus, you told me to do what they say."

He clenches his fists at my words. I know he remembers what he told me.

"Shouldn't matter anyways, we're not together. We can't be together. That's what you said, remember?" I don't know why I said that, I'm just so mad at the situation and frustrated beyond belief.

He shakes his head and laughs bitterly at what I said. "You don't get it. I said that because I've had these plans set for years Sophie. Years! Then you come in the picture and I want you so fucking bad it's driving me crazy. Fucking crazy Sophie and I.. I'm at a point where I can't believe I'm willing to throw it all away just to have you. I'm trying really hard not to lose my focus when it comes to you, but I can't sit back and watch you with someone else. They know. They know and now they're fucking with my head." He jabs at his head and I see the intensity in his eyes.

This is what he was avoiding his whole life. He stayed their yes man so they couldn't toy with him, but now there's me. I came and threw a wrench in his plans. 

"I can't do this anymore. My whole fucking life I dedicated to servitude of this company. This company that should be mine."

Once I'm close enough, he grabs me by the waist, pulling me the rest of the way and dropping his forehead on my belly holding me tight against him.

I run my hands through his hair and bring his face up to see mine and when he looks up at me, I see it.

The king of this castle, this is his and he should have it. I can feel it. I want him to have it. I want him to have everything. But like a king, he has to take it. I can't do this for him. He needs to realize his own strength and what he's capable of doing, so I give him what he needs instead.

"I'm tired of hearing this same excuse Hayes, I'm sorry baby but I do. You told me I need to be strong, right? So be strong! What kind of leader stays idle and in the background? Don't let your brother treat you like that. You're not beneath him. Don't let anyone treat you like you're weak."

He moves me aside and starts pacing, and I feel his frustration and anger rising with each step. I hear the tightness in his jaw, as he tries to make his point.

"You just don't understand," he says, his voice tight and controlled. "It's not time yet. We have to be patient, we have to wait."

"It's never time Hayes, it's never going to be time! Stop with the fucking excuses!" I shout at him, my voice echoing in the room.

Hayes glares at me, his anger directed towards me this time. He takes a step closer, his breaths coming fast and heavy. I can see the frustration boiling within him, and for a moment, I think he might lash out. But I stand my ground, determined to get my point across. I know what he wants and he needs to stop waiting in the sidelines for shit to happen for him.

"We're done with this conversation. You want to be the king? So fucking act like one and start taking what's yours."

I shove him backwards and yell, "Take what you want Hayes!"

He growls and runs my back hard up against the wall, pinning me in place with his hips."I am the fucking king." He growls in my ear as he grips my neck, pushing the hardness of him against my belly making me gasp in surprise. Oh fuck, I definitely worked him up.

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